For some reason, I arrived at this number. I figure its something like this:
In the Seattle-Tacoma area, someone might be able to push a cool 1000 if they're local, 5000 for out-of-towners.
In The Portland-Eugene area, about the same, 10000/5000
Spokane-Area --- 5000/2500
Vancouver BC/Victoria --- 5000/2500
Yakima --- 3000/1500
Tri Cities/Walla Walla --- 3000/1500
And so on.
Picking and choosing areas, i figure someone around here should be able to sell at least 25K, by doing HEAVY shows and touring. Maybe the radio play wouldn't be there to start it, but with enough momentum, the radio would follow.
In the Seattle-Tacoma area, someone might be able to push a cool 1000 if they're local, 5000 for out-of-towners.
In The Portland-Eugene area, about the same, 10000/5000
Spokane-Area --- 5000/2500
Vancouver BC/Victoria --- 5000/2500
Yakima --- 3000/1500
Tri Cities/Walla Walla --- 3000/1500
And so on.
Picking and choosing areas, i figure someone around here should be able to sell at least 25K, by doing HEAVY shows and touring. Maybe the radio play wouldn't be there to start it, but with enough momentum, the radio would follow.