Jibber-jabber originally posted by tadou
I am sorry, my friend. But you cannot compete with me. Your logic is faulty. Again, i am sorry for this. I would suggest you take Philosophy 101 in the next free time you have.
Tadou... You do one thing very consistantly.. Make a fool of yourself in public and lose every argument you get yourself into. Congratulations, you're the star you've always wanted to be.
For you to honestly believe that "nobody can just tear Eminem up lyrically" is ludicrous enough, then you throw in "be it freestyling or written". Seriously....do you rap at ALL, yourself? Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to freestyle 16 straight bars, let alone, a 48 bar battle verse? If you understood, then you wouldnt even mention it in the same breath as writtens.
I've got countless amounts of takes of people freestyling for a lot longer than 16 or 48 bars. And by the way, you don't have a be a rapper to be a judge of a rapper's talent. All you need is a pair of ears and some common sense. You act like you don't have either of those.
One last thing, I was writing songs when you were still waiting to be one of your daddy's one-night-stands. You are just one of millions of kids who call themselves a rapper. Am I a rapper? After doing all the recording and lives performances I've done, and after all the props I got for it, no thanks. It doesn't move me to be center-stage, entertaining a crowd. I don't need that attention like real rappers do. I could give a fuck about being a rapper.
Again, how can you even THINK that Eminem is unbeatable in, not just 1, but BOTH of those? Do you even understand that on any given day, there is freestyling going on in places Eminem wouldnt be caught DEAD in, for fear of losing? This is beyond you.
What I said is nobody is just going tear Eminem's ass the fuck up in a battle. You know, have Eminem sitting there speechless looking like a mutha fuckin' idiot. Dude can hold his own. I also said anyone who can beat him can also get beat by him. Meaning yes, he can get beat. Of course. But anyone who could do that, can't do it consistantly over & over again.
Before you say any more silly ass shit like that (ESPECIALLY the "freestyling or written" part), you need to put on your favorite beat, and try to freestyle all the way through it. Once you can do that, you will actually be a credible authority on this subject. (And, yes, i have done this before, which is why i am able to speak on this.)
Using your brilliant logic......Pick your favorite beat. Until you can play every instrument used in that beat fluently, you will not be a "credible authority" on music.
I dont know where you're from....but where im from, naming someone the "#1" and not even allowing the POSSIBILITY that someone could defeat him is 100%, certified dick-riding
How does it feel to contradict yourself? I wouldnt know.
I have never in any of my messages stated that Eminem is "the #1" rapper out there. I haven't even implied it so brush up on your comprehension. As a matter of fact, I've said the opposite on a number of occassions, that the idea of a '#1' is ridiculous. Maybe you've been spending so much time learning all those other languages you brag about all the time that you forgot how to understand english.
I'm not in the habit of contradicting myself but you on the other hand. You are one of those stupid mutha fuckas who has never accomplished ANYTHING professionally but for some reason believe you have the whole game figured out and mastered down to a science. That's the ultimate contradiction. Tadou, you, are a contradiction.
Being that **I** am an artist/producer, and **YOU** are NOT, then i, obviously, am in a better position than you are. Now arent I?
This is hands-down the stupidest comments you have EVER made towards me. You haven't even made it to where I was 10 years ago. The gap is so wide between me and you that realistically 10 years from now, you would have to be one-in-a-million to be where I am at today.
Without getting into too much detail, since you INSIST on me getting off the topic, i will entertain your little comment. So here you go (you're welcome): I have recorded about 30 song verses in the past 6 months, SPARE-time, in-between going to college-level classes (which i have a 3.3gpa in, by the way), including TWO foreign language classes. Which means that every week, among 80 or so new vocabulary words, i manage to ALSO memorize entire verses.
NEWSFLASH, THIS JUST IN........................oh...wow
The only entertainment anyone gets from that bullshit is in you thinking that means ANYTHING to any of us.
We shall see, next year, when im a major (~%20 or more) part of 2 compilation albums, and make my solo debut....now wont we?
I could be putting my foot in my mouth (although I HIGHLY doubt it) but .........I don't think I'll hold my breath. Like I said, you can't even manage to put out some little mixtape but somehow in a time when people like Clive Davis are getting their walking papers, you will manage to rise to the top and become a "major" absolutely no experience, expertise or knowledge of how the business really goes down. Okay man, good luck!