Who Bought RiSABABY's CD In The Sicc Shop??

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Apr 21, 2006
As a female emcee who has done more than a lot of the so called rappers on here I ain't mad at her. If her music has an ounce of the one shot kill post she serves on here she'll be alright. As far as marketing she got more pages with no music then most get with music, man or woman.
Nov 24, 2003
As a female emcee who has done more than a lot of the so called rappers on here I ain't mad at her. If her music has an ounce of the one shot kill post she serves on here she'll be alright. As far as marketing she got more pages with no music then most get with music, man or woman.

Yeah she is the entertainment of the week though. She can keep this thread poppin for 3-4 days without posting anything, but after that its gonna fall to the second page and everyone will forget all about this and move on to the next broad, thats not marketing.

On other hand, if she were to actually post some music, had an ounce of talent then people will remember this shit for more than 4 days and she might get some fans.

I mean if you are scared of what some internet characters are gonna say about your music in a online forum, your not gonna make it.
May 30, 2006
And youre proud of this shit?! Come on blood step your shit up man. I dont smoke crack by the way nigga. yeah i pop pills and i hold down a job and a family. I take care of my son too which im proud to say is mine. You still watchin other niggaz kids?
What kidz are these?

And u said I never iced any other rappers & I told you who. End of story. And u know u do more then pop pills pookie.
May 30, 2006
WHEN THREADS BACKFIRE WEEK 4. I like this females attitude she got some survival personality bout herself


she owning this fool. lol
U can take ur cape off now Captain Save A Hoe.

I asked who bought her CD out the Sicc Shop & I've yet to hear anyone say they did. Did u buy it or something & ashamed 2 admit it. Come on now cuddy. If u bought it just say it. Don't be ashamed. U weren't ashamed 2 admit that u bought Chingys last CD.

And I've yet to see this thread backfire. If it does oh well. But it hasn't.
May 30, 2006
In all honesty I'm not all that concerned if she's a tight rapper or not. I just wanna know "who" bought her CD from the Sicc Shop.

Tiny Beef said she got heat & IRocc said she aiight. Those opinions don't meet up
And to keep it one hunid if I do get a chance 2 hear her music & if its knocking I'll admit it. I'll put all of this internet shit talking aside & honestly give ol girl her props & "might" even break bread for the CD if its worth purchasing.

How I might personally feel about a person has nothing to do weather I'll fuck with there music or not. I seperates the two.

But like I said I just wanna know who bought it.
Jun 3, 2006
i would never buy someones cd without hearing them before...thats like tellin sumone at mcdonalds "just pick me any meal and we'll see if i like it or not"
Feb 8, 2003
U can take ur cape off now Captain Save A Hoe.

I asked who bought her CD out the Sicc Shop & I've yet to hear anyone say they did. Did u buy it or something & ashamed 2 admit it. Come on now cuddy. If u bought it just say it. Don't be ashamed. U weren't ashamed 2 admit that u bought Chingys last CD.

And I've yet to see this thread backfire. If it does oh well. But it hasn't.

. I never heard of that lady ever and im not no capt save a hoe(or whatever weak shit you speak) get out of 1995 wanna be cyber thug.

and i never bought no Chingy album I downloaded that shit back last year and made a thread about it when It first dropped(like im asked to do on here for new shit) so keep calling men.. boys and pookie. next you'll call a nigga teddy bear.

This thread been back fired ol clowned you hard.

If you was really concerned on her sales(since your in other peoples business always) all you had to do was pm coop or nemo and asked them the numbers, instead you called your self trying to do some damage on her and turning everyone against her but it back fired the proof is in the thread you one sided cat.

you only see things the way you wish they was or you want them to be
May 30, 2006
I don't give a fuck how many albums she sold. I asked "who bought her CD" dumb ass nigga.

I call u Captian Save A Hoe & call me weak but u call me a Lemon Lame in another post. Now that's weak.

And I'm not a thug so save ur Cyber Thug jokes.

And if u didn't buy Chingys last album u sure said that shit knocked which tells me a lot about ur taste in music.
Feb 8, 2003
I don't give a fuck how many albums she sold. I asked "who bought her CD"
that made no sense.

Obviously you cared bc you made the weak ass thread but got eighty sixed in your own shit.
Your asking her to put up info about herself why dont you finally put up your picture and finally reveal yourself since you like to talk so much negative shit on here Or are you scared nigga ol 1993 outta date azz nigga?

A nigga really considering doing this shit. I gotta a test date this Saturday with California Highway Patrol & next month I have test dates with California Department of Corrections & Dougless County Sheriff in Neveda. I'm about 2 be 30 years old in a week & a half & I need a career. These regular ass 9 to 5's aint workin 4 me. I never really thought about going into Law inforcement but a nigga getting too old & I don't have a jail record so I thought I'd go 4 it.
Did you ever get that police job you was applying for and made the thread about(real talk)? You do what broke ass niggas do just bash the next person bc they trying to do something with themselves. you havent done shit with yourself in your 30 years of life and the post above in your own words.


All your next comebacks gonna be is bashing where a person lives, what artists they listen too or if they rap how wack they are(the usual shit)

DJ Green Laterns the real Evil Genius.
