Yeah when I went to get mine I saw Pac and Biggie chillin there having a chat, I told them they should probly give it a listen because its good shit, and Pac said he preordered it.
So are many other things (some) of us do or have done....but as long as you contribute and pay for an album(+) what's the harm?...Just don't spread the DL to people who won't buy or you think might not buy.
I try to get people i know into it so maybe they'll eventually buy into it and they'' get great music and strange can reap some benefits.
bought 2 copies of it. wanted a signed one and a reg one for the cd book. but since they sent me a sealed copy and a signed book i returned it so now i got one. lol
Got mine in the mail yesterday, came with a little cool Krizz logo thing, thought it was a sticker at first and bent the shit outta it. Shirt is pretty cool as well.