You are pretty fly for a white guy, man. Earlier in this thread I stated 95% of all whiteys are racist. You just might be part of the 5% club!
Another thing i said earlier in this thread was this: “if you were bullied at school and one day you are fed up and knock the bully out. Are you also bully now? Or are you just getting even?”
It’s time we get even. You feel me on this?
I would like to point out that you blame religion for the genocide of native americans. So basically you are blaming every Christian. And are guilty of the exact same thing you are blaming me for.
I don’t believe in God. I also don’t believe religion was the cause of all whiteys wrongdoings. The crusades, which basically lead to a whitey-Muslim war that’s still going on, is obviously caused by religion.
But how is religion responsible for slavery and the genocide of native americans?
And I highly doubt religion was the reason for George bush to bomb Iraq. It was all about oil.
Don’t get me wrong on this, because I respect your post. But it’s about time whiteys pay damages for all the suffering they caused. You basically saying: let’s forget what happened in the past, we all the same now.
We are not all the same. Whiteys still benefit from all the riches they gained from stealing of my ancestors. And I’m stuck in the ghetto. And let’s be fair: you from Eastern Europe. How many non whites actually live in your country man? I’m not talking no gipseys. I’m talking black ass niggaz from Africa. Why is the percentages of black people so low in your country?
First of all, I have to take back some of my words - you're not a typical American, you know too much
And I understand your point about getting back at your bullies. That's a right thing to do. But I argued that those bullies are not (only) the people who happen to born with a white skin. The oppression is based on class and our enemies are the ruling class; the people with the money and power. Those are the people who benefit greatly keeping poor people poor. All these billionaires have made their money by exploiting the working class, no matter what they claim. Think about some African country that has huge natural resources, for example. Why can't we allow them to build up their own industrial infrastructure, so that they could dig up the natural resources by themselves and after that produce the actual product and sell that to Western countries? Well, because that would take the profits out of the rich, Western peoples pockets. Rich people need poor people, just like rich countries need poor countries. Rich people/countries must have poor people/countries to exploit. Otherwise they wouldn't be rich.
And I'm not blaming every Christian because of the genocide of Native people. I just stated that religion played a huge part in that - first Europeans in America were highly religious even on contemporary standards. Because of their religion system, they thought they are much better than these "savages". And that feeling of superiority gave them a reason to see the Natives as lower sort of humans. They considered the Natives to be dumb and uncivilized - just because their believe system was different. But as the time went by, the natural resources played more significant part (Gold Rush, etc.).
And slavery was of course about the "cheap labor". I bet that many CEOs still today cry because of the slave trade ended. It was a good time for them to make money. You know, the European Union capital, Brussels in Belgium, was basically entirely build by slaves from Congo. Belgium brought huge amount of slaves to build up their capital city. That I think was the reason behind the slavery: labor for free of charge. Money. Of course they came up with all kinds of excuses, like "negros" are lazy and wouldn't do anything beneficial if they're aren't whipped or whatever. Slave owners posed as a helpers of Africans. Just like today we hear before every war that we're doing this to help those poor people who are too stupid or lazy to help themselves. And what I ment by George Bush jr. going to Iraq in behalf of God, is that he stated back then that he prayed a permission from God and God gave him a permission. Stupid excuse back then, but for some people that was enough.
You''re definitely right by saying that people still benefit greatly from your exploitation. Most of the Western countries wouldn't be where they are without slaves. It's unbelievable to think how hard it is for many people (and countries) to admit that simple fact.
I'm definitely not saying that we should all just forget the crimes of the past. No way. I think many Caribbean and African countries should get massive reparations from the countries that toke part in the slave trade. They say that you cannot just suddenly give billions to poor nations as their corrupted leaders would steal the money right away. Okay, then go and build the industrial infrastructure for them. No one will steal those.
Apologies (that we haven't really heard from any country) are not enough. African countries, Jamaica, Haiti, etc. should be helped back on their feets. They should first of all get massive duty reliefs to make it easier to import their products to West. But the reason why that will never happen is the one that I've already stated. Western countries need poor countries to exploit. Cheap labor and cheap natural resources are a must for the current economical system. In US, I think a lot of black communities should get some sort of reparations because of the drug epidemic that your government intentionally created. They injected drugs in to your communities to keep you passive, like I'm sure you know. They didn't want another MLK, Malcolm X or Black Panthers to rise. Oh, and by the way, the Black Panther movement is one of the movements I've admired the most. I've read numerous books about it. They also denounced the capitalism to be one of the major problems for black communities. You know how Fred Hampton tried to form ties with some real rednecks in Chicago, because he understood that the battle was common? I saw some interesting pictures from those meetings. At that time Chicago was really segregated so it toke some real balls. Hampton and Newton addressed the racism all through their lifetime, but also went further than that, deeper that the skin. They taught the people about the roots behind the racism. Here's some interesting link about the situation in Chicago: - This is what the ruling class tries to avoid by all means; white and black working class together. I don't know what your thoughts are about Black Lives Matter, but I kind of feel that the ruling class gave you that movement, so you wound't do anything radical by yourselves. So that you would have something, but not anything that could pose a threat for the people in power. They are still scared and remember the Black Panthers.
I also feel that the media should portrait black people in a more positive light. Too much of the media is focused only on white people. And more so, mostly only on middle class or upper middle class white people. And you know what, I hate that too. I hate to watch commercial after commercial showing empty headed middle class people laughing and petting their dogs or whatever. I'm not part of that world and never will be. I'm not a middle class and I despise bourgeois people who seem to have no problems and don't care about the next man at all. I can basically afford only a roof over my head and some food. If I wouldn't be white, I guess I would see those people just "white" instead of "middle class"... And hate white people in commercials

But now I'm kind of forced to see through the color of the skin. Most of your media portraits black people as criminals or athletes. Then when speaking about white criminals or riffraff, they have their own term, "white trash". They're kind of saying that white people are good, but then there are some "trash" among those good people. But when speaking about black people's crime, there's just "black people". Like all of you would be the same. I don't know if you get my point here, a little difficult to explain.
And the reason for the low percentage of non-white people in my country is mostly because we've never took part in the slave trade. If you look at the Western countries that have a significant black communities, those countries used to be colonialist nations. They brought slaves from Africa and nowadays their descendants are living in those countries (and because of the already established black communities, more black people move in instead of going to some country with no black communities). That's actually one thing that I think a lot of people in States miss; slave trade brought the black communities to Europe. And yes, we definitely have a problem with racism, too. You say that 95% of whites are racists? I'd say that 95% of all people are dumb as fuck - and that's the real problem

Too many people think that their own difficulties in life are because of some other oppressed group of people - who happen to have a different skin color. I just wish that people would learn to see the real enemy. The enemy that wants to keep us fighting against each other.