white guyz

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Jul 6, 2002
YunG VenoM said:
..And if you go to a prep school and are white there is no need for you to be talkin about you are goin to the school football game strapped witta glocc.........If you were gangsta you wouldn't be at the school football game in the first place........If you are white and are really from the HOOD and kicc it HARD it's ok for you to act like people do in your HOOD (even though not many white people live in the HOOD) If you are from the BURBS drive a car ya mom/dad bought you there is no need for you to be actin talkin blacc.......wearin du-rags and all types of jewelry.......You are just making yourself look like a fuccin idiot
Apr 25, 2002
Sixxness said:

i guess people out in WA and/or Cali have better things to do with they lives than worry about what someone else wears to cover up they hair.....that's pretty fuckin pathetic....lol.....
not to mention better things to do on a sat.night

ha ha ha
Apr 25, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:

actually i'm middle eastern and white. not latino. 92 is not old school homie....you're probably young....hip hop started in the streets in the early 80s. blacks and puerto ricans......not just rapping is involved.....but it seems like you have no clue of the elements of hip hop that latinos played a part in...b-boying.....graf writing....ring a bell? you're trippin if you say latinos didn't contribute. you might want to study up before you come at me.
I didnt say hip hop started in 92'. I said by the time the Chronic came down rap had reached the white community, and it did even 3 years before or 4 with NWA, and it probly was there a lot longer just not controversial.

And when I think the founders of rap, I think mainly of Run DMC, Jam Master Jay, Suga Hill gang etc. Your right though, im not nessecarily up on the hip hop history 100%, maybe you could site some examples for me.

And if your white, I feel bad for you. Whats even worse is your middle eastern, because that group has contributed to hip hop but whites have much more and you think they should take shit for it.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
blah blah blah.....white people stay ignorant, black folks stay oppressed. it's the future of america. i give up trying to educate the less fortunate.

you know that's a pretty general statement.....you wanna rephrase that? cause i know a lot of white people that are not ignorant, myself included. You act like ALL white people are ignorant and EVERY single black person in America is oppressed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year......the statement you made is pretty much bullshit....because NOTHING is ever ALL this or ALL that.....what you said basically can be rephrased to say "all white people are ignorant and all black people are oppressed." which is not true.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
triplegold said:

not to mention better things to do on a sat.night

ha ha ha

if you're refering to me.....i'm inside cause i'm sick.....if not.....i'm still sick.....but that doesn't matter.....lol.....


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
You act lke this board consits of only white people.....Black folks live in suburban areas and have the internet too smart one. I DO realize that there are a lot of white people out there that are fuckin stupid, ignorant etc....BUT NOT ALL OF THEM ARE. Don't act like EVERY SINGLE person falls into the same fuckin catagory....now I know why some people get annoyed with you're comments....they are WAY too fuckin general....that's like me saying, that ALL females are gold digging whores. A lot of them are, but NOT all.....
Oct 10, 2002
I'm white....I get shit from people but I'm over it. I'm me and I can't be anyone else. I don't trip off of the people that give those weird ass looks or rude ass comments because to me they aren't anyone, and their opinion doesn't matter. My friends and family are the only people that really matter so to everyone else that can't accept me for who I am fuck em. If they want to judge based on one thing thats on them. It's their loss not mine is the way I see it.
May 5, 2002
I just like to start shit. And what I say in most contexts is 100% true. And this board consists of quite a lot of suburban white boys. And a lot of them are not comfortable as fans of this music because they experience occasional ridicule. And many of them would be quick to call a black person a nigger under the right circumstances. And many of them are defensive and uneducated about topics regarding hip hop and black & latino history and think that just because eminem came out they can rap and be respected.

I understand not everyone will agree with me or think I "hate my race" but that right there is some old neo-nazi KKK "have pride in your white side" bullshit. I'm not proud of white people. I think white society has wrecked and ravaged and continues to wreck and ravage blacks, latinos, and folks in the middle east to make us look like animals. I don't respect the dominant culture as a whole, and as long as you benefit from the privledges, you are part of the problem.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I would love to know how you think of all this.....I'm sure that there are a lot of white peope on here. But I DOUBT that many of them would drop a fuckin N-bomb ever. I don't say it. I hate it when people call black people that. It pisses me the fuck off....

i'm not quite sure that I understand what you mean by "I don't respect the dominant culture as a whole, and as long as you benefit from the privledges, you are part of the problem.

wanna explain that in further detail please?
May 5, 2002
as a white person, you benefit from living in a society run by whites. you have the upper hand. especially as a white man. you can go anywhere in america and no one will notice you except for maybe 10 hoods in 10 cities around america where some people of color live. you can drive around at night in whatever neighborhood you like without it being "suspicious". you can go to the mall and shop wearing a winter coat when it's cold outside and are less likely to get followed around the store. if you are caught slanging dope, you will serve less time and pay less fines. if you don't believe me, i'll show you some stats. you will get paid more and will live longer and lead a less stressful life. in classes it is unlikely that you will be the only person of your race. you have solid public figures who look like you and can see people of your race depicted as beautiful in every media format known to man. when you buy band-aids they match your skin tone. a flesh colored crayola crayon is a "peachy"white tone. when white women go to the store for make-up they will find something to match their skin. this is white priveledge. is it *your* fault directly? maybe not entirely, but it is your responsibility to see how you benefit and realize how others get the shaft.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
^you obviously don't know me.....cops follow my ass when i drive all the time.....i get followed in stores some times.....not a lot, but it still happens.....you don't know me well enough to tell ME what I benifit from or anything else about my life. You know dick about who i am.

"Is it *your* fault directly? maybe not entirely...."

^do you smoke crack too? How is any of the bullshit anyone else in this world my fault in the littlest bit? Somethign I do is NOT going to affect someone in New York....My actions aren't that grand or outlandish. I don't see why you make your statements to broad and general....cause when you do that, you are 50% wrong 100% of the time.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
what do u mean ur too hard to carry a glocc at a football game? i dont go to a prep school, so dont fuccin guess what i am. that proves my point, in saying that cuz im white and rich i go to a fuccin prep school. FIRST OFF, u wanna know what i wear? every fuccin day, i wear chucc t'z, levi 501's (tha same pair) or tha same pair of khaki dickiez, and a russell athletic T. and thatz cuz i live in a barrio, on tha edge of this rich town, and im not trying to be anyone but wearin what i wanna wear. I've got tha shit kicced outta me by white boyz, latinoz, and blacc dudez. i've kicced the shit outta those three racez too, its just what happened. i dont got much money, i ride a bike, and dont start sayin shit about me havin a computer, cuz i just got my first one three months ago (which i bought myself). Im not going to go and explain how i live my life, cuz i dont need to. people sayin "oh ur hard if u do this" obviously dont do that. I drink OE cuz its what i can afford, not cuz I see it on a movie and think "oh, i wanna be like him so i'll do that"