Little Caesar, I mean czar, whatever the fuck your name is, you the biggest fuckin internet geek I've ever seen homie. Real talk. Do you LIVE online? 24-7 on this bitch for real. Always runnin your mouth like the sucka that you are. With that stupid ass internet geek "got em" shit. That's the gayest shit I ever seen some nerd write. Eat a dick square. Get off the CowBitches nuts. They ain't shit and they ain't gonna win a super bowl this year. I'd put money on it. CowBitches suck and so do your wack ass raps. Stop cheerleadin for the fuckin CowBitches, we all know you a Newark Memorial Cougar boy. Stick to that fuckin team computer nerd.
"HAHA! GOT EM!!"<<<<<<Internet GEEK quote!