The Big Bang Theory is enough of a stretch (rimshot please?). Saying the universe has existed in perpetuity is even crazier. Having studied the small amount i have studied, the BBT definitely makes the most sense.
Allow me to back up a bit.
X, God slash the Unknown Force slash the Creator.
Y, The state of being before the Universe was created/came into existance.
1, the Universe as it currently exists.
BBT states that Y is represented by a tremendously super-concentrated clump of atoms. But as we know, matter does not create matter and matter does not create itself. Science as we know it would fall apart without this simple logic. (Side note: If the day did come along where we learned how to make matter out of thin air, this would in fact be MORE evidence for the proof of God, rather than less, IMO. He could easily have created this world, and then made Himself imperceptible to Human beings. Any man capable of making 0+0=1 is surely capable of this.)
So then we realize that these atoms weren't real matter--they were a place holder, a marker, a imagination, even. The BBT does not theorize who created this void, so the only presumption we have is that the void created itself, thus Y+0 and Y=0. Then somehow, an impossibility took place--0+0=1--and here we are.
The moral of the thread is, don't be so quick to call someone a dumbfuck for not believing in Evolution. (Macro, Micro, ANY form of it). I agree that science is more important to teach to young people than religion--we should definitely increase science spending, teaching and scholarships in schools--but there are ways to go about it.
I.D. belongs in schools. Darwinism belongs. Teleological Evolution belongs. And as more and more children grow up atheist--Creationism belongs, with limited emphasis on the Biblical/Quranic God and more on the Philosophical God/Force. (I cannot fucking believe I just capitalized force. And no, I am not a Star Wars fan!)
Edit: I see what you're getting at. Yes, X+0+0 would have been better, but for simplification purposes, I just kept it at X+0. Hope that clears at least one part up.