good response-->but 181 hitz and only 16 votez?????
->as far as the DVD-->that would be impossible for a underground label like us-->the encoding and pressing of a DVD alone would cost a grip<--like some1 else stated, we would need a huge fan base
--->we are just looking @ our optionz as far as setting ourselvez apart from other folx---->when you think about it most other folx cdz only have around 60 min or 12-14 trackz <-we have been fortunate 2 be able 2 release albumz with over 70 min of audio (17-20 trackz)
==>the first of these enhanced cdz are gonna be used as promotion<--a few underground trackz like a promo but with the enhanced feature....
@maddogg -->check us out--U NEED SOME PROJECT AFFILIATED IN YOUR LIFE!!! :classic:
->as far as the DVD-->that would be impossible for a underground label like us-->the encoding and pressing of a DVD alone would cost a grip<--like some1 else stated, we would need a huge fan base
--->we are just looking @ our optionz as far as setting ourselvez apart from other folx---->when you think about it most other folx cdz only have around 60 min or 12-14 trackz <-we have been fortunate 2 be able 2 release albumz with over 70 min of audio (17-20 trackz)
==>the first of these enhanced cdz are gonna be used as promotion<--a few underground trackz like a promo but with the enhanced feature....
@maddogg -->check us out--U NEED SOME PROJECT AFFILIATED IN YOUR LIFE!!! :classic: