Where do I take my 19 y/o nephew for his birthday?

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Barlito's Way
Feb 8, 2006
might be random but since it is hella hot out in the east bay, yall should throw a fat azz barbeque and go jet ski'ing on the delta, then after party at the club or something......
Dec 17, 2002
cocaine, tacos, tiddies
really? why is there always have to be ignorant ass people on this site like you...

might be random but since it is hella hot out in the east bay, yall should throw a fat azz barbeque and go jet ski'ing on the delta, then after party at the club or something......
its just going to be me and him, id rather take him out to a nice restaurant in the city. And he is turning 19 we cant go to no clubs..but thanks for the ideas


Sicc OG
May 17, 2002
first of all im not going to do cocaine with my 19 year old nephew, and second of all he is about to join the Marines..do what you do with your family and see how far your nephew gets in life

Im trying to be a positive role model for him
Nothing against MacVic cuz we always been cool, but I commend you for trying to be a positive influence on the Youngn's life, hats off to you Superfly.