What's the nearest you've come to death?

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May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
My brother was born premature also. Lookin at him today you wouldn't know that he almost didn't make it. You could hold him in your one hand when he was born. He had to wear clothes off of a Snoopy doll we had.

Almost getting jacked at the cock fights is skanless. Glad to hear you and your fam was able to raise up unharmed.
Apr 25, 2002
One time was a few years ago both my parents were at work and I was in my room watchin TV and all of a sudden I felt like I couldnt breath, so I called my mom at work and she came home and took me to the hospitol and they gave me an inhaler. Then I had to go to the doctor and get a heart monitor. I still dont know what caused it and after that it just went away...

I dunno if I was neer death, but it was pretty scary and I was praying it wasnt that serious...
May 23, 2002
Once I was just chillin watchin tv....no phone workin at the time...I started 2 have a small pain ..which I thought was my heart..the pain started 2 hurt...more then I can take it...then I started havin problems taking in air....2 a point where I was gasping...then the pains started 2 feel like someone was jabbing me with a knife...I then walked 2 the nearest pay phone (about 5 mins away from the appartment I was living in)called my pops cause hes a fire cheif...then he asked me questions that would let him know if it was a heart attack...but it was'nt...the pain started going away..then when I got back home...he got really bad...2 the point that I was cryin like a bitch cause I could'nt breath....and the pain was 10 times worse...I walked down the street 2 my friends girlfirends house hopein he was there...which he was....then they rushed me 2 the ER which turned out 2 be an infected lung...I swear I thought I was dying....I was prayin 2 god and everything.....
i had the same pain.. felt like i was gonna die cuz my chest hurt so bad... i went to emergency and it turned out to be my asthma problems... dang, people get infected lungs because of smoking too much weed with mold in it or ones that have chemical additives like raid... i wish it was legalized so we can get 100% pure bomb...i mean i do get awesome bomb that knocks your socks off, but sometimes my weed smells like someone sprayed windex on it, raid or some kind of chemical...
May 12, 2002
Myself and Skitz got something in common. I was born dead, and came to while they were trying to save my mom. It all worked out in the end as I lived and so did my mom, but the first year of my life I was a pain to her, didnt eat at all and never slept, and cryed all the time. After that I got hit by a drunk driver who was doing 70, but I walked away without a scratch and I didnt have a seat belt on either, the Higway pigs told me I should have been about 30 feet away on the pavement and through the windshield. I got stabbed in my arm and it missed my artery by millimeters, cant even count how many times I have been shot at or there was a shooting were I was around. All of these events have lead me to feel like I got someone looking out for me from up above.


well heres ma story

i was in middle school tryin to be a tough guy so i called this fat football player out for a fight. he didnt want to fight so i called him a bitch and told him ur affraid in front of all his homies, so he got pissed and said lets go . we went outside of school to da cannal. He trew tha first punch and from there we were at it . i was doin good until i tryed to slam him and him being a football player i guess he knew what to do... picked me up from my feet (and when u pick some 1 up by da feet u go high) and threw me on ma bac. i tried to catch myself and ma left arm crack then i hit ma head on da ground and passed out. All i remember is when i hit tha floor everybody ran.... then i wake up and im walkin.... almost halfway home with a broken arm. I dont know how i got half way home all i know is that ma friend from school was with me through da whole thing. i havent seen ma friend since that day but when i do im gonna thank him Very MUCH for being there and not taking off like da others. so after goin to da hospital and getting a cast, ma parents call tha school and they say that i get xpelled and da fat football player stays even tough he broke ma arm. they said i have to go because i encouraged it or some shit i made him fight (Wich is sorta true ) i guess u can say i got what i deserved and that was a lesson for me ~One~
May 12, 2002
One time back in the day when I was like 13, me and my homies were some hella bored kids. Especially since they live in Federal Way and I'm from Seattle so nothin was crackin out there. Anyway.....one time late at night we were causin trouble throwin shit at cars, and we blasted one car with like 8 water baloons on his windshield and almost caused him to crash doin like 40. So they pull the u-turn and came back lookin for us, and we were hidin out in the bushes at this church. then they called their homies and they came and there was like 8 full grown ass men with flashlights and bats and shit lookin for us, we barely got away by hoppin fences goin through backyards and shit. That might not have been the closest I been to death, but probably the funniest.