Ok, I'm gonna get real freaky and psycho shit on ya like t9anghellic would......
2 days after my 18th birthday.....October 7, 1997.....I was at Northwest Missouri State, Maryville, MO
I skipped 2 classes(i later went on to fail those 2 classes....go figure) and went up to Movie Magic. And I went to get that new Tupac soundtrack. Gang Related. At the time I thought nobody did better music than Death Row. And It was new Tupac shit so I had to get it. The first disk was solid as fuck......Daz, 2Pac, Cube, Mack 10, NATE DOGG THEEEEEEEEES DAYSSSSSS....oh shit. Even the Storm song was tight.....but that J Flexx song made me skip to the next 2Pac song....Paridise's verbal raping of the earth wind and fire classic "devotion" almost made me puke....That "i can't fix it" song was killin em though. Some smooth blues shit...THEN.....#11 Questions by Tech9ne.....I almost skipped it cause some lame dude was talkin at the beginning and was about to take too much of my time...haha. Then....that beat kicked in....some cat is whispering some shit. I thought, this might be tight. Dude started spittin at an uncontrolable rate and BAM!
I was infected.....haha
BUT i still didnt know dude was from KC....see my post about that....