"the feds got us all tapped, and dats just one of many small facts, so if dat car got onstar, wisen up and disconnect it, or otherwise, personal business spoke, could be intercepted, dissected, and projected, to a jury selected, by illuminati slave drivers, falsely elected..damn, it gets hecktic, when your country's infected, by ideologies of hierecies, pretendin to protect us, but truly to collect us, neglect us, and then to subject us, to their own evil objectives, use us up then eject us, fuck ya'll!"
-Lay Em Down-
Thats what set WOODIE apart from other rappers...he spoke on da REAL SHIT...His 3rd eye was wide opened and had the POWER to speak from it on that higher level...
He wasn't your average homie, He was more like a seer.
-Lay Em Down-
Thats what set WOODIE apart from other rappers...he spoke on da REAL SHIT...His 3rd eye was wide opened and had the POWER to speak from it on that higher level...
He wasn't your average homie, He was more like a seer.