XL Middleton said:
whats up homie, this is well said except the part about "rich jews" i disagree with that, but that's a whole other argument. aside from that i think we're definitely on the same page here. and if you think about it, the Bay section of our West Coast has definitely been on this for...what, two decades already? their mentality as a whole has been, "fuck a major label deal that might not come, i'm gonna get my money now!!!"
down here in Southern Cali, i think we've had a harder time with that, like i've said in previous posts everyone down here (LA in particular) has that Hollywood mentality, i guess its hard to strive for anything but that multi-million dollar deal when you got movie stars everywhere and major labels with corporate offices right in your backyard.
but what would happen if we focused more on taking our music straight to the people who listen to it? what if we didn't care about winning a Grammy or getting radio spins? i still believe that good music will speak for itself even if the corporate powers that be are trying to shut down our avenues to do so. thing is, it takes unity which we all know is hard to come by. if we ever decided to walk that path we'd be best off walking it together. but i really do think that the best bet for the majority of artists anywhere is to band together and form a sort of "anti-music industry". hell, even a lot of the west coast artists who have deals aren't necessarily gonna prosper from them.
down here in Southern Cali, i think we've had a harder time with that, like i've said in previous posts everyone down here (LA in particular) has that Hollywood mentality, i guess its hard to strive for anything but that multi-million dollar deal when you got movie stars everywhere and major labels with corporate offices right in your backyard.
but what would happen if we focused more on taking our music straight to the people who listen to it? what if we didn't care about winning a Grammy or getting radio spins? i still believe that good music will speak for itself even if the corporate powers that be are trying to shut down our avenues to do so. thing is, it takes unity which we all know is hard to come by. if we ever decided to walk that path we'd be best off walking it together. but i really do think that the best bet for the majority of artists anywhere is to band together and form a sort of "anti-music industry". hell, even a lot of the west coast artists who have deals aren't necessarily gonna prosper from them.
I was cruising myspace and I was checking out some rappers pictures in the bay and i definately noticed the amount of solidarity. Casual of hiero taking a picture of MC hammer, things like that.
On that same note, Based on the few years i've lived in the bay ive learned that the bay has that instilled in their culture. Its much more of a melting pot.
Southern california dosent have that "melting pot" culture. We take our over-territorial nature and hold it on our sleeve. More than gang rules, its almost as deep as our community upbringings. San Diego is blacks over here, mexicans over there, whites up there. Maybe this plays in with how we view our networking power.
standoffish, unsure.
Related to that hollywood mentality comment...I wonder, are we asking the right questions about ourselves right now?
Is it more of a personal problem than a industry problem?
Maybe the nature of Southern California is hereditary...And maybe we need some sort of rehabilitation with how we view the game..what can we do to change the minds of those involved, as a whole?
Would it take everyone viewing a route as successful to follow suit?
Will I ever get another west coast album like pharcydes first joint?
or the alkaholiks first and second album?
Is the west coast trying too hard to be west coast?
two examples...ras kass's "rassassination", and the liks's "Likwidation" (which were both good albums, IMO)...both read as albums where artists felt shaky about their creative control and tried to cater to the west coast too hard, and suffered pretty bad album sales and even a decrease in fans in the process.
i dont think we really need to be molding a picture of the west coast too hard, i think bieng west coast is something that should be inside you and not like.....conjured up to look and feel west coast..all that "the west is back!" "the west!!" shit annoys people.
remember that song "when the east is in the house"...? i didnt like it because i was west coast and i felt they were doing too much gloating about how great they are.
west coast this west coast that, west coast shirts (im not dissing fabricali, shout out)...i just want someone to be west without broadcasting the shit so damn hard.
wasnt that why we (those who didnt) like the east? they felt they were owners of everything? for some reason i feel like thats us now.
and definately man...people take the easy way out...and come and go and arent seen again...i think we need more people willing to stick with this for the long haul...its amazing how many people who live here who for some reason, still cannot figure out what our problem is.
I think the game will eventually change and become something more tangible for us to work with. nothing can stay the same forever.