Just make good music, it's simple as that. It don't matter where your from, JUST MAKE GOOD MUSIC. And right now at the moment, there really isn't any on a mainstream level IMO, it's all the same sounding bullshit. And in order for someone from the WEST to do that, they just need to come out, be REAL and original. If you fall into the trap of doing what's "HOTT," then your fucked and just like the rest of everyone on the radio right now, a one or two hit wonder. Turn off the radio, don't listen to any $hit so it doesn't influence you and go create something original. Production wise, I think people should look at it as if it was a BAND or orcestra so you have plenty of elements to energize or give your beat character, have people that know instruments and how to play them, piano, guitar especially and hopefully some REAL sound can come out of it, no one finger $hit melodies and nonsense noises, use REAL sounds and improvise, good music is just as important as good lyrics, you need a combination of both to create good hits.
Think about this, there's definitely plenty of great hiphop that came out of the 90's that will probably be considered "classic/oldies" 20+ years from now. Now do you actually think music like Jim Jones-We Fly High or Rick Ross-Everyday I'm Hustlin' etc... is going to be considered a classic years from now, FUCK Naaah! All this shit right now is temporary fun,it's not REAL music, it's just club BS that'll be forgotten.