@ n9newunsixx5150 the reason i was NOT replying to you is because YOU were placed on IGNORE (this is a feature that the website mods and owners provide). if you post in ANY thread this is what comes up: This person is on your Ignore List.
now a buddy of mine left me an email and wants me to answer something you typed. i would feel better just leaving you in the black void but what the hell.
@Heresy regarding the Jenny Jones show.....Isn't going on a show entitled "I hate my own race" and saying that you don't hate your race but you just disagree with some of the things they do kind of like going into a thread entitled "Is Judas in hell or was he just a pawn?" and speaking of hell outside of the bible's literal concepts?.................just a thought.
no its not like going into a thread and speaking on anything. for starters im BLACK. so i have the RIGHT to speak out on things i see and educate MY people. if it means i have to come down harsh on them so be it. no more holding hands and singing old negro spirituals . unlike YOU im not speaking on things im NOT well versed in

. the majority of my show time dealt with jesse jackson and powell as members of the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, black colleges being whorehouses,blacks allowing themselves to be manipulated in the entertainment biz, black fashion being exploited (LOL@GOLD TEETH), the lack of education (especially when it comes to the economy), INTERNATIONAL BANKERS (ROTHSCHILDS,WOLFENSHONS ETC ETC ETC) and the BILDERBERGERS.
now when i said i went on the show to promote HERESY thats what i did. i came out,spoke my mind,performed and got kicked off for speaking about the BILDERBERGERS. so b4 my album drops america will have already heard about me. great promotional move on my part. its also a good thing because i was asked to come back and perform at 2 more shows (with a nice pay for each one) so it all worked out.
the black race=last place and im sure several cats on this board (who are black) will tell you the same thing.
now i have to tell *YOU* that you are going back on IGNORE. please refrain from typing my name. leave it off your fingers. stop being so concerned about HERESY and what HERESY does or say and pay attention to what lane said:
damn, and I thought I started a thread about being the president
nefer you would make a fine president.