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Nov 17, 2002

You are right. Absolutely, there is no "afterlife". Life is continuous.
How could there be life after life? Death is not destruction. Your experience with this kid really proves no fact against life. When you die your brain is damaged permanently, thats great to know. As is the rest of your body. The physical world has no stability. How can it be absolute? Even Einstien proves that space-time is not absolute. How can physical death be the end to anything, fundamentally?
Dec 15, 2002
more reality

Like I said “it is hard to think this way because the human conscious is so strong that it makes it hard to think of the nonfeeling in nonexistence.” Try to think about it, it is nearly impossible because every thought has some form of feeling attached. Point being once your brain ceases to function then no more thoughts of anything exist, no more pain, no more happiness, just dead. Our bodies decompose just like all nonliving organisms.

This might be getting off of the subject a little, but Einstein also said "I do not believe in a God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil." I absolutely agree with him that there is no heaven and there is no hell. Such notions were created as control mechanisms and have greatly caused more harm than good.

Also I think the biblical story of creation, in the first chapters of Genesis, is 100% bullshit. If you ever take a human biology class and study human evolution or read Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" you'll understand that the bible is flawed and if the bible has flaws then one must not take the bible as the absolute truth including the notion of an after life.....
Nov 17, 2002

Just like I said...
Just because our bodies die does not mean destruction. The physical world is to unstable to be absolute. Non-existence is a huge speculation that is beside the point of any truth. God rewards and punishes through law. You may call it "karma" or the law of cause and effect, if you wish. Science doesn't disprove God. The way the bible was written was pertaining to a people who didn't have as vast a knowledge of scientific terms. the truth is there. One must look deeper and be aware of the half-wise. It really is not of concern whether there is a heaven or a hell. If, when asking yourself the question of salvation, you fully rebel, then you know not the truth of love. Hell is of no concern to those who have transcended any such condition. The biblical story of creation fits right in with the scientific theory of the big bang and with evolution. Remember that the bible is written in respects to those writing it. God does not give us true absolutes. He works through us to show us an existence relative to us. Thats what the bible is. A book on the "creator" and our relationship to him.........
Dec 15, 2002
Thats what the bible is. A book on the "creator" and our relationship to him
I see that you used the pronoun him, what makes you think God has male sexual reproductive organs?

Non-existence is a huge speculation that is beside the point of any truth.
So is the ideology of an after life.

God rewards and punishes through law.
What law might this be?

Everything u just said is arbitrary and subjective (Existing only in the mind; illusory.)

Religion causes exclusivism and is only used by people to control the forces over which they feel they have no control over, such as death....

Answer me this question do think that there is one exclusive religion that is absolutely correct such as Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism, ect...?
Nov 17, 2002

I see that you used the pronoun him, what makes you think God has male sexual reproductive organs?

I used "Him". I could have used "Her". More appropriate than using "It". God is of both genders and yet transcends them at the same time.

So is the ideology of an after life.

So is the ideology of death as absolute destruction.

What law might this be?

You can call it the law of cause and effect if you wish.

Everything u just said is arbitrary and subjective (Existing only in the mind; illusory.)

All exists in mind! Its all illusory in some perspective.

Religion causes exclusivism and is only used by people to control the forces over which they feel they have no control over, such as death....

death is a not a force. Life is a "force".

Answer me this question do think that there is one exclusive religion that is absolutely correct such as Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism, ect...?

I study all religions. I am Christian. I am buddhist. I am taoist. I have yet to venture into Muslim. They are all different perspectives of the same reality. Science also is another perspective of reality.
Oct 3, 2002
you guest it, more reality

"God is of both genders and yet transcends them at the same time" thanx for explaining to me what God is lol

Death is the absolute destruction, why do you think human’s thought up the notion of an afterlife? Everybody wants to live forever (at least in peace), lets not deny that, so people perform religious rituals as a way of invoking supernatural beings to control the forces over which they feel they have no control over....

"You can call it the law of cause and effect if you wish." More explanation please. If you mean right from wrong, good from evil then I completely disagree. There is no universal notion of right from wrong. Every culture has their own ideologies of what is right and what is wrong and who is going to hell and who is going to heaven. But there is only one Universal human understanding and that is the distinction between pleasure and pain.

"All exists in mind! Its all illusory in some perspective." Only noumena is illusory not phenomena. Unless you mean everything is a perception as David Hume suggests....

"death is a not a force. Life is a "force".” Do you mean the biological functions of the human body is a force as in a beating heart and functional brain or do you mean in spirit?

I am glad that you are inclusive with your religions most people are not, that is pretty much the only thing I can agree with you on.

"The biblical story of creation fits right in with the scientific theory of the big bang and with evolution" You couldn't be any farther from the truth. For starters the earth is not 10,000 years old, try 5 billion yrs. Also the earth was most defiantly not created in 6 days. The geology of the earth is not from Noah's flood, but caused by volcanism, plate tectonics and continental drift. Human’s evolved by natural selection through a common ancestor (from simple to complex) not through Adam & Eve. Also evolution proves that the notion that the special creator made everything in an unchangeable form is most defiantly not true. & don’t get me started on the dinosaurs lol….

Point being as I stated earlier the bible is flawed and knowing that the bible has flaws then one must not take the bible as the absolute truth including the notion of an after life..... So what is one to do find another religion that isn’t flawed? Truth is all religions have their flaws because they are man made and thought up. This doesn’t disprove the notion of a God, but it does make a person question some of the ideologies that people believe in and practice…


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
im goin to hell, i wont see my friends, and if i do, they'll be too deformed to even reconize.

no, jk, when i go to heaven, ill just tattoo my name on my forehead, so every body will know who i am. oh wait, i don't think god likes tattoos, deforming the sacrid body and all, but are you even in a body in heaven??? Anyone one wanna volenteer to find out???

May 14, 2002
@ rez...Human’s evolved by natural selection through a common ancestor (from simple to complex) not through Adam & Eve.
Why is it that the first "humans" are not called adam and eve?
In my belief....GOD knows all and is eternal..
if god knows all ..then he is therefor the master of science...Bieng able to create thru that...
7 dayz..whos to say that god didnt go running around the whole earth and thus avoiding sundown until he got tired?..the sun is down where im at now..but on the other side of this earth its bright and shining...

"Our bodies decompose just like all nonliving organisms. "--Resdog ...isnt an organism a unit of life?..i didnt think we had an organism of dirt or a organism of rock;) hehe

"Death is the absolute destruction"--res...Your a man of science..you should know matter is neither created nor destroyed.

"Everybody wants to live forever (at least in peace), lets not deny that, so people perform religious rituals as a way of invoking supernatural beings to control the forces over which they feel they have no control over"--resdog.......No we have faith THAT is why we believe in the after life...we have doctors to stay here as long as we can...and to controll more and more of what is in this life on this earth.

"Science doesn't disprove God"n9newunsixx5150-My point exactly
There are unexplainable things in science and the bible yes...We cannot Say for sure though if GOD does or does not exist.....We can have faith or not i dont judge yah ..its not my place...and no i cannot PROVE to you there is a GOD ..but you can not prove there is not.
May 14, 2002
ANYWHO THAT WAS all waaaay off topic....I believe youll just know..heck once we die we are supposed to be eternal and all knowledgeable anyway right?..well those who died before us will join god and know pretty much all:)including how our loved ones look later.
Dec 15, 2002
@Talus... "Why is it that the first "humans" are not called adam and eve?" Take a human biology class and study the early humans such as Australopithecus Africanus, Australopithecus Robustus, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Neanderthals, Archaic Homo Sapiens, Cro-Magnon, too modern Homo Sapiens. Study their brain capacities, how speech evolved, Cro-Magnon cave paintings, ect.... This is what "from simple to complex" means....

"isnt an organism a unit of life?..i didn’t think we had an organism of dirt or a organism of rock" I think you missed my point some how. I'll be clearer, when organisms die they decompose. Simple enough for ya?

"No we have faith THAT is why we believe in the after life..." take a sociology or philosophy class and discover why you believe in the things you have "faith in" and how much the environment around you conditions you to think the way you do....

& neither science nor religion proves or disproves a God... I am not trying to convert people here, I am just trying to suggest that people need to use their own brains and not rely completely on what someone else has said to be the absolute truth.....

I no longer feel like I need to explain anything anymore I have done my studying now you do yours....
Nov 17, 2002

Death is the absolute destruction

Not even science backs this up.

More explanation please. If you mean right from wrong, good from evil then I completely disagree. There is no universal notion of right from wrong.

very good. I would say "right" is that which helps one to grow. Good and evil are concepts relative to whoever is considering them.

Only noumena is illusory not phenomena. Unless you mean everything is a perception as David Hume suggests....

All is Mind. I mean just that.

Do you mean the biological functions of the human body is a force as in a beating heart and functional brain or do you mean in spirit?

I mean LIFE of the simplest mehanical forces all the way the unknowable.

For starters the earth is not 10,000 years old, try 5 billion yrs. Also the earth was most defiantly not created in 6 days. The geology of the earth is not from Noah's flood, but caused by volcanism, plate tectonics and continental drift. Human’s evolved by natural selection through a common ancestor (from simple to complex) not through Adam & Eve.

Don't take it all literal. What is 6 days in the perspective of an eternal being? Just because the bible doesn't speak of human evolution doesn't mean it goes against.

Also evolution proves that the notion that the special creator made everything in an unchangeable form is most defiantly not true.

What notion is this? Where does it say that God created everything in an unchangeable form?

Even if, contained in the bible, there is absolute truth we would never fully extract it. This is because we remain to interpret things relative to our finite minds. Yet as soon as we separate absolute truths from relative truths we create a division in mind. We must remember to see both sides as a whole. The bible must be looked upon in different perspectives to understand its fundamentals.

Here's a good book, "The Tao of Physics". You may have heard of it. It shows parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism. The mystics were explaining things that science has just recently been finding out in the last century......
May 1, 2002
My opinion is, that we don't understand what heaven will be like. We're trying to think of it in 'earth' terms. In heaven, everybody will probably look like themselves (what they truly are) so age, and all that will be unimportant... I feel we'll still have bodies, and all that, but we just can't comprehend a world where we know people by what they are, instead of what they look like. Peace~
Oct 3, 2002
I am not going to respond to all the BS n9newunsixx5150 just said I would be wasting my time if I did, but point being is that there are obvious conflicts with religion and science/evolution so think critically and objectively. Take nothing as the absolute truth, especially religious dogma's.....

People should stop wasting their time waiting to get into this idea of heaven and instead create it here and now.....
Nov 17, 2002

I am not going to respond to all the BS n9newunsixx5150 just said I would be wasting my time if I did, but point being is that there are obvious conflicts with religion and science/evolution so think critically and objectively. Take nothing as the absolute truth, especially religious dogma's.....

the conflicts are in your interpretations and concepts. There is no BS. Perhaps you're just deluded.

People should stop wasting their time waiting to get into this idea of heaven and instead create it here and now.....

Great idea. I hope this isn't responding to me from your assumption that I fit into your above quote. You haven't the first idea.

I am sorry you think its BS. You should learn to open your mind.
Sep 15, 2002
I don't know what there is after does. Nobody knows for sure until they die. I just know I'm going to do what I can to make my life here as good as possible in case this life is all there is for me. If there is heaven or reincarnation that's cool, but I don't want to obsess over trying to get there because if it didn't happen I might be disappointed.

From an atheist point of view, I used to think exactly the same thing as ReservoirDog. I used to say that an atheist works to make life better for himself and his fellow man, rather than blindly serving a fictional god. Now I believe that there may be some kind of higher power, not necessarily a god, but it could be the force of nature, or just the flow of energy throughout the universe. Every action has a reaction, and you're punished by your sins, not for them. I'm starting to study buddhism, and reading the bible. There's lots of wisdom to be found in both, but I take neither as the final truth and guide to life.

It's hard to believe that something just created everything in the universe on a whim, but it's just as hard to believe that everything just came into existence suddenly, from the big bang or whatever.
Oct 3, 2002
n9newunsixx5150, my mind is very open, that is why I can recognize BS when I see it and you are full of it man…. Stay in the clouds if u want, but I am grounded with my eyes wide open and I see how religious dogmas condition people to think the way they do (especially you n9newunsixx5150) to the point of the thought of living forever if you only follow these rules and do exactly what is said in books written by numerous human beings over many years which oddly enough such mystics do not happen any more…. Can’t say I have ever seen a miracle, can’t say I have ever heard the Christian God’s voice, can’t say I have ever seen someone walk on water without a boat pulling their ass, can’t say that I have ever seen divine intervention, or known someone who has lived over 200 years, the list goes on and on… I am normally not this direct, but keep enjoying other people’s beliefs; I am sure they comfort your feelings of inferiority…..

BaSICCally, do you not know your self? Because I have talked plenty about it, I think I have expressed my opinions enough of what I think religion is and the ways it influences people….

Ripgut Cannibal, I agree with you on a lot of suggestions you made… I am not atheist myself; if one wants to put a label on my religious beliefs I guess agnostic would the closest…

As humans evolve, over and over again, one day my prophecy is that all religions will be known a mythology….. (A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.)

Sigmund Freud, sum up how I feel please.....

“We are threatened with suffering from three directions: from our own body, which is doomed to decay and dissolution and which cannot even do without pain and anxiety as warning signals; from the external world, which may rage against us with overwhelming and merciless forces of destruction; and finally from our relations to other men. The suffering which comes from this last source is perhaps more painful than any other.”
The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud

"It would be very nice if there were a God who created the world
and was a benevolent providence, and if there were a moral order
in the universe and an after-life; but it is a very striking
fact that all this is exactly as we are bound to wish it to be."
Sigmund Freud

"When a man is freed of religion, he has a better
chance to live a normal and wholesome life."
[Sigmund Freud, quoted in "2000 Years of Disbelief,
Famous People with the Courage to Doubt", by
James A. Haught, Prometheus Books, 1996]

"The gods retain their threefold task: they must exorcize the terrors
of nature, they must reconcile men to the cruelty of fate, particularly
as it is shown in death, and they must compensate them for the sufferings
and privations which a civilized life in common has imposed on them."
[Sigmund Freud, "The Future of an Illusion", 1927]
May 11, 2002
I have the knowledge of the main concepts of religion. I just feel that the finger cannot be pointed directly at religion as the cause of hypocrisy. I feel however a minority of these members of these religions which is abusing their power. Yes it is easy to dwell on the negative, I just feel religion as a whole is philosophically correct.

What about communism? what about the thousands and thousands of Cuban imigrants which left Cuba after the take over of Castro? What about China which took over Tibet and is killing their culture, artifacts and cripiling their living conditions?

I can't point the finger at communism can I? I can only point the finger at the leaders of these groups right? the same can be said for religion. Just cause a couple of leaders decide to abuse their power does not mean the 'whole' is wrong.

I am sure they comfort your feelings of inferiority…..
please explain how you are superior?
Nov 17, 2002

Your opinions on me are all based on assumptions. You haven't the first idea where I am coming from. I don't limit myself to single perspectives and concepts. A pure belief in science is just as bad as a pure literal belief in the bible. My beliefs stretch further than the bible by the way. There are many things right now that science cannot yet explain. Have you seen these people that stick large needles through their skin and out another part without a single drop of blood? It is said that in certain meditations these people can stop the blood flow in certain parts of their body. Or, do you ever watch Ripley's believe it or not? On one episode a while bacc there was an asian man who could heat a piece of cloth to the point where it was steaming with his bare hands and without even touching it or using any kind of friction. They showed him do it through a thermal sensitive camera and within one minute it was steaming. He would tell you it was "chi" or energy. Science doesnt know everything. One day they will understand that to a full scientific explanation. And, you are wrong about yout idea of mankind doing away with religion as myth. Science and religion will eventually be recociled to all peoples. To deny religion of any truth is to close your mind to a part of reality. Try to get beyond what doesn't "seem" logical to you and open your mind for greater interpretations. I used to be an atheist. I have said the exact same things as you and 2-0-Sixx has been saying. A lot of atheists seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum from hardcore Christian believers. Yet, they are the same in the way that, for example, an atheist will close his/her mind to religion as being any part of reality and believe purely in scientific concepts as a literal Christian believer will close his/her mind to anything they don't perceive in the bible. Both "opposites" remain bound by concepts. Concepts are finite. You cannot righteously say that religion is purely wrong or that death is purely destruction. Your concepts of death are finite. Open your mind to a greater reality.