I don't really know either party involved in this, but regardless of a muhfucka knowing this area.. athletes have money. big money. money can buy protection. money can buy some payback too. you never know. anyways.. my condolensces to the family and friends.
That's what makes me think Hamlin probably had nothing to do with the dude's death b/c he and his family aren't from around here, they probably don't know the Central District from Ballard. I don't think they would've had the knowledge to do that, to drive him to wherever they drove him to etc.
Good points. We ain't no homicide detectives, we don't know shit. But it seems pretty improbable to me that Hamlin has any involvement whatsoever, no offense to the deceased but that guy's life can't be worth anything to the now multi-millionaire Hamlin family, they'd have an awful lot to lose, not a lot to gain.
Old for sure. I remember reading this thread way back but then never heard what happened with that murder case and forgot all about it so I thought I would share with the others who might be curious that don't already know.