Be independent. Not a fucking follower. and if you have the ability to speak to the masses, and you have a message to send, teach them all but do it with good in your heart.
I respect you for having an independent mind with independent thoughts, but most of what you're saying can't be applied to this region. Most of what you speak of is suicide.
Leading is Following. Just the way it is. You cannot be a Leader without understanding how to Follow, and be a good Follower, and inspiring others to Follow even in the absence of the Leader. You cannot be a great Leader if you've incapable of being a great Follower. You cannot even comprehend how to be a Leader of People until you understand how to be a Follower of Ideas. You can't comprehend how to be a Leader of Ideas until you understand how to be a Follower of People. The difference is how you put those People and those Ideas together. It's a Punnett square. We aren't breeding peas here though, we're breeding the Future.
To put it another way: Great songs don't make great Mixtapes...Great DJs make great mixtapes with the help of poor, average and great songs alike.
Nobody is saying you have to wear a 3-piece suit and call everyone "Sir" to get some radio play, but at the same time, you can't be yelling out "FUCK THE RADIO" "FUCK THESE CORPORATE SLUTS" "EAT A DICK, AMERICA, YOU RAPISTS"......and think that just because you made a curse-free "shake your ass in the club" track, that they're going to make an exception. People working at radio stations aren't idiots. They're people like you and me. You might do accounts receivable for a living. This man over here might run the fry machine at Wendy's for a living. Radio people happen to control what we hear over the airwaves for a living. You give them far too much power.
There's a simple formula, my friend........the amount of jealousy you have about a thing is inversely proportional to the amount of capital, time and skill needed to acquire that same thing. A Lexus or a House in the 'burbs is one thing to hate on--just about everyone can have one of those, in due time--but not everyone can own a large record store chain or a radio station, in their entire life.
Bad things happen to "poets" and "artists" all the time; doesn't give credence to the crap they're saying. If i put on the wackest rapper you ever heard in your life, then waited for you to listen to 2 songs and hate on him....then told you a story about how he was born with no legs, to homeless Polynesian immigrants, and has AIDS....all of the sudden, his next 2 songs "don't sound half bad" and "will take some time to grow" on you. That's 80% of America right there. Hell, thats 99.9999% of the "Hate America" crowd as well. It's pure manipulation.
The point I'm trying to make is that, it's one thing to build something from the ground up, and be appreciative, and spread love and goodwill, support the real, encourage the weak to get real......its another to hate, and ridicule, and complain, and tear down what others have built--then build up some inferior structure of your own, and demand equality. It's just not the route to go.
It's the same reason Churches save Prostitutes instead of that-one-guy-who-steals-mp3s-online. It's the reason we have Big Brothers Big Sisters, instead of the National Homeless People College Fund.
No Radio play is not a punishment for a crime; its a symptom of a larger issue...lack of demand. People don't want to hear platinum-selling artists side-by-side with 100-selling artists the same way car shoppers don't want to see Kia/Hyundai/Benz dealerships. Once we get our own dealerships going, Warranties and Service plans going....this whole thing will pick up steam. Until then, we will remain the Go Karts of the Hip-Hop world.
And I don't care how much you pimp that ride....
it's still a Go Kart.