mac_luv said:
I had a married chic who was 38 that wanted to have an affair with me when I was 23. I'm 25 now and I had 16 yr old co-workers that liked me. Age really aint nuthing but a number. It's all about if you connect with each other.
its called statutory rape......but even disregarding the law.....
cmon mayne, ure a grown-ass 25 yr old messin with sum1
whos not even fully developed in the brain or body........
yes, maturity is a big factor.......but nomatter how mature she is 4 her age.....
i always look @ chix like lil babies when theyre that young.....
mR.SiPpYGeTiPpY said:
18-21 don't backstep, or go 20 years forward, put it that way. For just a one night stand i'm down though. (part from the 20 years forward bit. lol)
ive always talked 2 girls my age or older......
but the chic im runnin with now was 18 for 4 months when we met....