I was gonna get the Bold 9700 that D-Rose posted but the phone carrier I am with wanted 150 on top of a 3-year plan. After being with this carrier for over 10 years, and forking out at least 10k to them over that period, I figured I would just look at the ones they offered for free with a 3-year plan. The Storm was the only free Blackberry that had international roaming....plus at the rate new phones are coming out, if the Storm doesn't work out, I can always swap for a Bold, they will probably offer them for free by next year.......So I decided to take the Blackberry Storm....decent phone. My alarm clock is the full song BTNH - 1st of Tha Month.....ringtones vary, but I unless I am at work, I keep it on vibrate so I don't piss people off......
I love how easy the data transfer is though. I carry pictures of my family, my house, possessions I have for sale in case I run into anyone interested, pictures of my work for reference....just plug in with a USB and drag and drop them to your phone.......since it's a large touch screen, you can get pretty good detail with the photos.......
Also the business contact manager is excellent........There's room for like 6 different telephone numbers, and you can group your contacts easily......
With the App center I can check the weather in literally 5 seconds......smartphones are the shit.....