Michoacan Home of the Tarascan Indians who were much smaller then the aztecs but as old an defeated the aztecs in all battles.Also tarascans are one the reason why the spanish conquered as bad as they did because the tarascans refused to back up the aztecs.
Michoacan Home of the Tarascan Indians who were much smaller then the aztecs but as old an defeated the aztecs in all battles.Also tarascans are one the reason why the spanish conquered as bad as they did because the tarascans refused to back up the aztecs.
Aint proud of it speaking on history an I did say By the tarscans not helping the aztecs thats why everything happened the way it did,not many people know about the tarascan indians,Im proud of the aztecs roots but the people of michoacan are sometimes forgotten.
Then again if the spanish had not come an did what they did none of us would be here an also if u wanna blame anyone blame marina the girl who helped the spanish.
Sal good bro,its easy to read something written an take it the wrong way.
I mean if i would have said varrio michoacan tarascan indian locos fuck the aztecs then u could an should have thought that.
Michoacan Home of the Tarascan Indians who were much smaller then the aztecs but as old an defeated the aztecs in all battles.Also tarascans are one the reason why the spanish conquered as bad as they did because the tarascans refused to back up the aztecs.
Tlaxcala was an independent nation in pre-Columbian times, never conquered by the Aztecs. The assistance of the Tlaxcalans was of instrumental importance to Cortés in his conquest of Mexico in the early 16th century.
The arrival of the Spanish Captain Hernán Cortés and his men on the east coast of Mexico in April 1519 led to the end of both the Aztec and the Tarascan Empires. Knowing that the Spaniards were on their way to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán, the Aztecs sent some emissaries to the Tarascans to ask for help. Instead of providing assistance, they sacrificed the Aztec messengers. Tenochtitlán fell in 1520 after a bloody siege. The Tarascans' turn came in 1522.