Touching in depth view from home video and archival footage of the man many consider to be the greatest racing driver EVER, Ayrton Senna. As a racing film this is probably the best I've ever seen. As a documentary it is easily 4 out of 5 stars. Dramatic and heart wrenching at times, infuriating at others. Very well done. Good music. Good footage. It is mostly subtitles because of so many different foreign languages spoken (mostly Brazilians). 4.5 out of 5

Touching in depth view from home video and archival footage of the man many consider to be the greatest racing driver EVER, Ayrton Senna. As a racing film this is probably the best I've ever seen. As a documentary it is easily 4 out of 5 stars. Dramatic and heart wrenching at times, infuriating at others. Very well done. Good music. Good footage. It is mostly subtitles because of so many different foreign languages spoken (mostly Brazilians). 4.5 out of 5