white rushin said:
HOO BANGIN was wack they had some good artists but in the end Mack10 couldent ever drop his own record had to go to cash money.
blackmarket gets a HUGE nod tho they scandalous
Yup, I forgot about Hoo Bangin', and you're right! I remember being excited as hell when THE RECIPE came out and on the insert card, there were ads for all those cool-as-hell-looking CDS that were "coming soon" from M.C. Eiht, The Comrads, Binky Mac, Soultre, Techniec and C.J. Mac. Since I had liked THE RECIPE, BASED ON A TRUE STORY and the first CDs from The Comrads and AllFrumTha I, I was geeked as hell for this shit.
So what happens? The Comrads' CD (WAKE UP & BALL) was dope, but Eiht's two CDs (SECTION 8, and IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD) were lukewarm (no energy--Eiht sounded like he just woke up), the CDs from Techniec, Binky Mac and Soultre never come out, and C.J. Mac's CD was wasted on flossin' type shit, instead of the rugged shit he spat on W.C.'s THE SHADIEST ONE.
Sad waste of talent, I'd say. PEACE!