What if we die and...

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May 13, 2002
tadou said:
Its not about believing there is something after death....its about believing there is something to life. If this country were built on atheism like Russia or North Korea, we'd all be in the shitter right now, starving to death and not giving a FUCK about each other.
Because if there's one thing atheists do well, its not give a fuck.
You're a fucking idiot. I can't believe you actually think the Pentagon would even consider a fool like you on their team.

Yeah, you make a lot of sense. I really don't care about war and lost lives that's why I'm soooooo un-opinionated about war/politics. Jeeez, thanks for you wonderful insight about us atheists. "Hey guys, I don't give a fuck about anything because I'm atheist!" Yesterday, I ran down the street and punched random people in the face because I'm athiest! I don't give a fuck!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Yesterday, I ran down the street and punched random people in the face because I'm athiest! I don't give a fuck!
see, you should be christian then you would be forgiven, now youre going to burn in h-e-double hockey sticks.
Nov 17, 2002
What if the hand took a morsel of food and decided to keep it for itself? How would that affect the entire body?

What if the hand, in it's so-called desire to "give a fuck about others", offered the food to another hand? How would that affect the entire body?

Oh wait... It wouldn't do shit for the body...

Perhaps some of us hands do give a fuck, but we are ignorant to the fact that food must be offered to the stomach, served through the mouth. Otherwise, what is the use of holding food?
May 3, 2002
i believe in re-incarnation. if God made a new spirit every time one dies, there'd be an over-flow of spirits... it'll be more convinient to re-use and recycle them.
plus... imagine a world with no emotions... no happy or sad. we all walked around emotionless with no expressions on our faces, looking the same. there would be no reason to live! or if we all looked the same, we were all a certain color, same size, same height, same weight... it'd be boring! we wouldn't have the variety of shapes and colors that we have, that's why being different is so fuckin great.
i believe we are here to experience the variety and emotions, or else living would be pointless. we also have "obstacles" to overcome before we can choose to where we want to go. if we keep bumping our heads throughtout our lives, we end up back here - earth.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Mean Mugg said:
Huh? I don't think you got what I meant. I'm saying, what if you die and your spirit no longer exists?
Who says you have a spirit in the first place?

And I believe that your "what if" is what really happens....all the heaven and hell talk is a bunch of hocus pocus brainwashing bullshit....

The funny thing is, our country obviously brainwashes people with propaganda....who's runnin our country? A bunch of wacked out half wit hill billy faggot ass Christians.

Can we all see the problem now? :dead:


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
You're a fucking idiot. I can't believe you actually think the Pentagon would even consider a fool like you on their team.

Yeah, you make a lot of sense. I really don't care about war and lost lives that's why I'm soooooo un-opinionated about war/politics. Jeeez, thanks for you wonderful insight about us atheists. "Hey guys, I don't give a fuck about anything because I'm atheist!" Yesterday, I ran down the street and punched random people in the face because I'm athiest! I don't give a fuck!

Tadou just doesn't know. He's not on our level dog. You have to be a special type of person to be an atheist....you have to be able to think for yourself in EVERY aspect.

BTW, where the fuck do people come up with all this bullshit about atheists? People on this site don't know fucking shit about it and they make dumb ass comments like, "your atheist you don't give a fuck." SHUT THE FUCK UP. It's called being human, humans are capable of a lot....Including being nice to stupid fucking Christians that don't shut their bitch ass mouths about shit they aren't familiar with.

You don't have to be a bend over and get fucked in the ass by God Christian to be nice to people and know the difference between right and wrong. Smart people know the difference, a lot of it is common sense if you value certain things...
Apr 25, 2002
It's my opinion that religion causes far more violence and anguish than "atheists who don't give a fuck" do. And about there being nothing after death...fine by me. Existence would get a little tedious and boring if it lasted forever, wouldn't it? I have everything I'll ever need right here on this earth. So once it's all over for me, go ahead and cut the switch and end my existence completely...no life after death needed for me.