its not really a case of black vs white no more that shit is long gone, its more us vs them. the rich vs the poor, the have vs the have-nots. when some of these stupid motherfuckers wake up and realize that. the sooner things can change.
That is true in most parts of California and NY, but not in less liberal states. I know in Michigan, the race and economic lines are like mirrors. The only successful black people either come from old money, where their family actually invested in something smart and continually make money from that, or they deal simple n plain.
Come to Detroit, and see how if you cross Warren Avenue you go from successful Arab neighborhood with beamers and cafe's everywhere to torn up roads, forgotten schools, closed up shops, its just all bad (Only black people can be found here, well except for the random white crack head of course). Go to the other side of Detroit and travel into ANY suburb (which are 80%white at the least) and you see the newest Ford cars, brand news shops, and renovated schools.
Detroit is also a forgotten city, but it shows that equality in the workforce can still crumble due to a dying industry, and no matter what black folks are gonna get laid off and fucked first and for the longest until it either gets better or there is finally a revolution.