What have we done to Iraq??

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May 13, 2002
1st Gulf war Casualties:
Iraq civilians- Well over 200,000
Iraq Soldiers - 100,000+

A devastating bombing campaign against Iraq in 1991 destroyed the country's civilian infrastructure (water, sewage, and electrical power infrastructure, among other sectors). Much of the diseases rampant in Iraq are due to the destruction of the civilian infrastructure and lack of spare parts in the 1991 war. Some of which was modestly repaired between 1991 and 2003, was destroyed again in the 2003 war. The lives lost as a result of these military strikes in unknowable, but must obviously be an immense number.

The Embargo killed between 2 to 3 MILLION.

In addition, the depleted uranium (DU) shells used in both the 1991 and 2003 wars have caused a significant increase in radiation-related cancers and birth defects.

2nd Gulf War:
Iraq civilians – 10,000 to 30,000
Iraq soldiers – 20,000 -70,000
US soldiers – 1,000+

The 2003 war can only be a continuation of what happened in 1991, since the 12-year embargo did not allow the rebuilding of what was destroyed then. The 1991 war destroyed or severely damaged the following sectors of the civilian infrastructure, and the 12-year embargo prevented its the proper reconstruction:

1) Drinking water infrastructure

2) Sewage system

3) Electrical power grid

4) National healthcare infrastructure (more than 100 hospitals and healthcare centers destroyed)

5) National education system (over 4,000 schools, institutes, colleges, universities destroyed)

6) Transportation sector (air traffic banned, sea vessels damaged, railroad cars & trucks crumbling)

7) Telecommunications (telephone exchanges and transmitters destroyed)

8) Textile and other light industries (factories destroyed)

9) Pharmaceutical sector (factories destroyed and components and ingredients banned by embargo)

10) Social fabric and modernity (modern society reduced to sufficing with obtaining food and medicine only)

Just Prior to the 2003 war, 1.5 million children were made orphans.

Prior to the 2003 war, 10,000 Iraqi civilians were dying every month (half of which were children).

Prior to 1990, over 90% of Iraqis has access to clean drinking water, whereas it was between 33-50% just prior to the 2003 war (1999 UN Report).

For what? How can anyone say we liberated Iraq? We single handedly DESTROYED this country. We denied them basic medicine for 10 years.

The 1st gulf war was a sham and so is the 2nd. Any of you who truly support this war are sick people.
Jan 9, 2004
JLMACN said:
you forgot to add.....got rid of their...tyrant...


I guess removing one tyrant equals the lives of 450,000+. Next we go to remove North Korean Tyrant, Iranian Tyrant.

This seems close to being classified as genocide to use Colin Powell's reasoning in Sudan, dontyathink?
May 13, 2002
JLMACN said:
you forgot to add.....got rid of their...tyrant...

What would jesus do?

Yes, Saddam was a "bad man." This is known. However, under saddam 95% of the population had access to CLEAN water. During the embargo - 33%. Now, it's even worse.

Under saddam 90% of the population had access to school. Under the emargo, close to 20%. Now even worse.

Under saddam 90% of the population had access to basic and advanced medicine. Under the embargo, virtually none. Now, virtually none.

MILLIONS of people (about half children) are DEAD thanks to the U.S.

Nice christian outlook on life, comrade.
Jun 18, 2004
Lil Pino said:
it's for the sake of humanity. It doesn't matter if they're from another country, we're all human. I do agree that we may have done this the wrong way, taking action too soon. When all else fails, then war should be declared. I just didn't think all options were considered. On the other hand, how are we going to have diplomacy with a dictator? You can only negotiate with someone who's willing.
Did you read the death tolls posted above by 2-0-Sixx? Is that for the sake of humanity? Besides it's like I've heard and read a few times...don't they have oil in Iraq? I know it's pretty cliched at this point to say war for oil, but if their main export was wicker baskets, we would not be there.
May 13, 2002
Lil Pino, I suggest you read about the reasons for the First Gulf war, the sanctions we placed on them after the war and the reasons for the 2nd war.

It is completey INSANE to even mention the word "humanity" at this point. Deplected Uranium. You know about it? You know how long it lasts? Denying BASIC medication to children of the age 5 and younger. Over 500,000 children died under the age of 5. Is this for the sake of humanity?
Apr 25, 2002
Lil Pino said:
it's for the sake of humanity. It doesn't matter if they're from another country, we're all human. I do agree that we may have done this the wrong way, taking action too soon. When all else fails, then war should be declared. I just didn't think all options were considered. On the other hand, how are we going to have diplomacy with a dictator? You can only negotiate with someone who's willing.
The sake of humanity? Are you that naive? What else failed that we needed to go over there, kill a bunch of folks up and pretty much say "here you go, do something with it"?

Like I said who are we to say whats right for everyone else? We can't even keep our own country straight.
Apr 25, 2002
I'm sick that the money they take out of my check every month and at the end of the year is essentially being used to murder innocent people. :dead:
Apr 25, 2002
A lot of countries don't agree with the way WE run things but they aren't coming in and snatchin bush up outta his seat and taking over. The point is, how are we going to tell someone else what to do? Thats our problem in the first place. Everyone isn't like us, every culture is different than ours. This wasn't about helping them in the first place, its goes deeper and "greener". If you think this was a war on HUMANITY your sadly mistaken.
Apr 25, 2002
Not by how you tell it. Your saying as humans we need to go in there and help them because of this big bad man. That to me is saying its a war on humanity. Yes we are a superpower so that means when we dont agree with how other folks are running THEIR county we need to step in? Its funny how we will step on the little dudes but don't wanna even take it there with folks we know can get with us (north korea).

How can we help others get their shit straight when we have the issues we have here? How much money have we spent over there? How many lives have been lost? (it was stated above... too many) They are shipping kids out there fresh outta boot camp who think they are gonna go over there and just tear shit up and are getting their wigs split every day. FOr what? We have already destroyed their lifelines, now we want them to build their country back up? LOL
Apr 25, 2002
Have you ever lived in Iraq or are you basing your feelings on what you have seen on the news?

And wouldn't you say that you ARE condoning it if you are in support of them going in a stripping this man of his country? Isn't that was it was all about??!?!?! :eyecross:
May 13, 2002
You're not getting it Pino- We FUCKED IRAQ in the first gulf war by COMPLETEY destroying the infrastructure (water, sewage, 4,000 schools, Electrical power grid, healthcare , etc.) and then we placed an embargo that literally killed MILLIONS of people. Do you understand? Why would we need to step in a 2nd time even though there economy was completely collapsed?
Apr 25, 2002
Lil Pino said:
Based on what you believe in, we should just say fuck to everyone else and mind our own business and take care of our own problems. Let's just be selfish and not step in when other people are suffering. Fuck other countries, we don't need no allies. Let's become greedy and look out only for oursleves.

This war isn't about having allies. HAHA

Why do you think other countries were so reluctant in joining us?

P.S. When you lose your job and are trying to support your family and there are no jobs for you lets see if this unselfish country is not unselfish with you. :)

Whats that saying... clean up the stink in your own backyard before you worry about everyone elses. And talk about greedy with all precious black gold flowing through there..... hmmm.
Jun 18, 2004
@ lil Pino
^^^Come on man, the whole purpose of this thread is to show that we have murdered almost half a million Iraqis, and completely destroyed the counties infrastructure in the name of liberating it...which, btw, is not the reason we were told for this action...there should be no doubt that we are screwing over Iraq, not helping it.
Jan 9, 2004
If you dont know shit, how are you going to point a finger at Clinton. You can also say that Clinton inherited the problems from Bush Sr. It doesnt make any sense.