Yeah that's why this whole idea of gays in church is so hypocritical. It means that these people haven't fully grasped what the scripture teaches them.
You gotta blame the Protestant philosophy though.
You see, unlike the Catholics, Protestants believe that you are saved by grace. They believe that by accepting Jesus as your savior, you are automatically saved. His blood covers for all your sins. In their minds, they think that once you are saved, you can never lose the ticket. Meaning that even sinners get into heaven.
This goes against Catholic philosophy were they focus on actions.
Catholics believe that your salvation is based on works. Meaning, you do good deeds and you'll make it to heaven. You baptise and repent for your sins, and you'll earn your ticket.
But I say from readin the bible myself is that it's a combination of both. You do have to repent for your sins if you wanna recieve Jesus Christ. And you must put in good works to show your love and devotion.
Man Catholic and Protestant philosophy are a perfect example of what Jesus warned us about when he said that there will be wicked people who will try to add and take away from the word.
It's a shame these 2 denominations are so popular with people because they are feeding everyone with lies....