out in Mary$ville/Yuba City juz tha u$ual. hella tweeker$ out here, i mean a lot of tweeker$ out here, and $crapz in YC thinkin that they run tha 53o, but in reality all them foolz juz end up gettin $hot. therez been $um $hootingz recently but thatz juz how it iz in Merez/Yuba City dirty five thirty. but yeah therez been a lot of $crap $ighting$ in Merez lately, they all comin 4rm YC but they aint doin $hit. and if u $moke jale be$t advice iz 2 not $moke cuz that $hit ruinz ur life $ee it everyday....$o dont think about $tartin thatz all i gotta $ay.(if u dont know wat JALE iz itz better if u dont know)