What game should I get???

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which one?

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May 13, 2002
Thanks. I rented Dark Sector this weekend and although the weapon is fun/different, something about the game lacks. I kept thinking to myself while playing "I could be fuckin wit COD4 right now" so after a few hours of play did exactly that.

I think I'll pick up RSV2 and get into that tactical shit.
Feb 12, 2003
Man.. You cant go into Dark Sector thinkin and comparing it to COD4.. So many people do that.. Dark Sector is something unique, unlike COD4.. I guess i've been playing video games too long and thats why COD4 dosnt appeal to me, it's something thats not unique and has been done over and over again, it's like Counter-Strike with a face-lift..

Anyways, Dark Sector is alot more fun the Condemned 2 IMO, it's longer, it's got funner online play.. BUT, Condemned 2's gameplay is also way more unique then Dark Sector, which makes it a little bit more interesting.. Their both great games, but i think Dark Sector is the best released title this year..

Oh yeah, if you buy RSV2 you wont like it or get the full experience of the game if you keep on compareing it to Call of duty.. You'll do the same thing you did with Dark Sector, and not wanna play thru it.. If you're gonna buy shooters then compare them to COD4 you might as well save you're money and keep playing COD4 until COD5 is released..

By the way, 2-0, how far did you get in Dark Sector before you gave up on it?
Mar 5, 2006
i think rainbow is garbageeeeeeeeeee i dont no.. the first one online was fun..but htis one is kinda whack i should give it more time tho as i have played it for like a hour then tossed it in the case and forgot all about purchasing it..
Feb 12, 2003
i think rainbow is garbageeeeeeeeeee i dont no.. the first one online was fun..but htis one is kinda whack i should give it more time tho as i have played it for like a hour then tossed it in the case and forgot all about purchasing it..
You're goin into it expecting COD4 that's why.. It's a TACTICAL shooter, COD4 isn't.. I dont see how you can like the first one and not like the second one.. The second one has everything the first on has, plus more features and better graphics..