The way the word is used, not only in this topic but all over siccness, I seriously doubt most of the users understand what a hater is.
Rofl! Don't know if he'll get that tho.
A hater imo is someone that is negative towards another for no apparrent reason at all. I dont think berner was being hated on People had a legitiment reason to judge him and that was his music he be bragging about.
I never went out my way to check all berners life story and shit out like that. . weeks ago in that one thread he was talking bout his connects and what not so i went to his myspace link he presented and listened and i didnt like nothing I heard(i could give two fucks on how hard someone hustle or what features they have if im not into them as a artist I dont play them) but I kept respect i didnt come in here and slander his music and shit
Like I said he wasnt being hated on(except by maybe one or two people if you wanna call that hate) Everybody else was just giving they honest opinion bout dudes music since he brags on here. who cares how many projects he sold or how much money he made in the bay, point is he still a no name and inspiring artist like everyone else on this site. So he needs to quit thinking he better then everyone on here and be more humble with cats bc thats how you gain respect or a fanbase by being humble listening to the "HONEST" feedback. I see if a mofo disrespect you then go at him, but if someone simply says they not feeling your shit thats it and kept it moving no need to belittle them and all that insecured shit.