I guess I'd be a decent person to answer this question.
I was born in Soquel California. Lived there til I was like 3, moved to watson...stayed in watson and every other weekend i was with pops in soquel. Lived in the Redding area for like 5 months too. Moved to Oklahoma. Went to New Jersey for boot camp...back to Petaluma for school in the coast guard, then moved to new york where I've lived in the past 3 years damn near.
All I can really say about cali is, it's the shit. There are a lot of things that suck, but they are just details. It can't be perfect there, otherwise everyone would live there. I've been all over the state. I love northern cali more than I can express in words. From watson to santa rosa......I could spend the rest of my life in that area and die a happy man....BUT I'm moving to San Diego because God has put it on my heart to move there and he will unveil his plan as life moves forward for me.
the main things I love are the weather, the culture, the WOMEN, the food, and the atmosphere.
Here in long island, it's more expensive than anywhere in cali...but why? I think it's shitty here. The weather is cold as fuck most of the year, and the beaches ain't got shit on cali's beaches. The women ain't nowhere near as fine, and the food sucks dick. At least oklahoma had some fine ass country women and great food.
Look at the 10 day weather for san diego...if you've ever been there, it's paradise. That city alone shits on NY.
the food can't be fucked with. You can go to just about anywhere and get a mean ass 5 dollar burrito at just about any old time of day and be full as hell. May aswell get a fat horchata while you're there. Chances are, you'll see a fine latina mami while you're there.
In cali, you can go from the beach, to snow skiing, to the redwood forrests, to the desert, in one day if you wanted to...tell me that ain't the shit!
Cali definitely has the best looking women of anywhere in this nation. Other places have some great looking women. NYC is on and poppin, model types are abundant. Boston is a great city for bad, fit beeezies...the whole damn cali pretty much has some fine females tho...especially san diego, la, san fran and san jo. shit, everywhere now that I think about it.
I'm half mexican, and the mexican culture makes it home for me in cali. Nothing but puerto ricans, italians and jewish people here...and they don't really share their culture...they just broadcast it out here.
With the exception of the house I would like to buy on the beach in baja california (mexico) I want to live in cali for the rest of my life. I've been gone for years now, and it's still home everytime I touch down off of that plane. There ain't no place like home
stay up soldado. There's some cool gente in texas. I liked that shit a lot, but not anywhere as much as i love cali. It's not a bad move on your part, and the best of luck to you bro