it had already snowed and there was a wind storm that blew out the power that night (it was out for 3 days), then it snowed a couple of inches and turned everything into an ice skating rink. i had to work that day then went home, blew a bunch of blunts. had planned to hit some bars but no one wanted to drive after that, and for good reason. i drank a little then watched the cars get stuck on the little hill by the house, saw a handful of accidents. then i bought a couple of colt 45 tall cans from the 711 which somehow had power still and walked around by the main road with my homie drinking beer watching car accidents while everything was dark and out of power and snowing. it was weird because there were HELLA people outside walking around, like a hundred plus or some shit, i think i almost saw some fights. lol then slipped and slided home and blew a bunch more blunts and kept getting more lit