What about asians when they drive. Seriously, i feel bad but i dont because that stereotype is one that is 100% true
But its ok because on the plus side, i made a driving game out of it... What u do is spot an asian driver just by keeping an eye out for asians, not neccisarily looking for bad drivers yet... You spot one by like just sitting at a light or driving next to one or whatever. Once you have selected your designated asian, you tail or ask the driver of your vehicle to tail them. Dont follow too close because you cant do anything to affect their driving.
The objective is you want your asian to drive bad. Everytime they make an official traffic violation, you get 5 points. Anytime they make a non-official traffic violation (like driving hella slow, cutting ppl off, other stuff that a cop could but most likely wouldnt pull them over for), you get 2 points. Everytime they get honked at, you get 8 points.
Whoever gets the most points within 5 minutes wins. First you take your turn, and then your opponent takes his turn as soon as the next suitable asian is found. Each player only gets ten minutes to find their asian, and if there are no suitable asians available after ten minutes they must have their opponent choose a driver of their choice. No semi trucks, or company vehicles allowed at anytime.
But its ok because on the plus side, i made a driving game out of it... What u do is spot an asian driver just by keeping an eye out for asians, not neccisarily looking for bad drivers yet... You spot one by like just sitting at a light or driving next to one or whatever. Once you have selected your designated asian, you tail or ask the driver of your vehicle to tail them. Dont follow too close because you cant do anything to affect their driving.
The objective is you want your asian to drive bad. Everytime they make an official traffic violation, you get 5 points. Anytime they make a non-official traffic violation (like driving hella slow, cutting ppl off, other stuff that a cop could but most likely wouldnt pull them over for), you get 2 points. Everytime they get honked at, you get 8 points.
Whoever gets the most points within 5 minutes wins. First you take your turn, and then your opponent takes his turn as soon as the next suitable asian is found. Each player only gets ten minutes to find their asian, and if there are no suitable asians available after ten minutes they must have their opponent choose a driver of their choice. No semi trucks, or company vehicles allowed at anytime.