Just my thoughts
Like most of you have said WW3 is coming whether you like it or not. But I doubt it will come soon. Maybe another 20 years? The US CANNOT lose. It will probably be the reason the war is started. War = good business.
My Predictions.
1) The War will be between US, Europe, Latin America, Israel, Korea, Japan vs Muslim countries, maybe African countries, Russia, China, and N.Korea. There will be others on both sides.
2) Unlike other world wars this one will have more than 1 country being able to use nukes.
3) Unlike other world wars this will probably be the last war before the NWO takes over.
4) The US and the UK will survive. Their governments will be weak but they will have more than enough power to govern the survirors left.
5) The countries still in power will pull their resources and create a police state that will encompass the world. We may even have Russian and Chinese Slaves doing some of the manual labor.
What will cause war?
1) Iraq. We don't really need it for oil. It's a strategic base. Aside from Israel we will need Iraq to station troops and other necesities.
2) North Korea will begin to starve again. When it does it will have no choice but to invade the South.
3) Doing so will give China the ok to go after Taiwan and possible Vietnam.
4) Before this Russia and China will of course sign a non-agression pact. They will slowly start to expand.
5) Expansionist China might start looking at their past opressors the Japanese. Japan may be able to stop a Chinese Attack but it may not fare so well against the Russian airfoce.
6) The US and UK will round up some of its allies. France, Germany, Canada, plus others will be forced to allign with the Western Powers since it will be in their best interest. A Communist win is a huge No-No.
7) Now the focus shifts on the middle east. It might be the Muslim Countries (my bet) that will attack Israel, but it could just as easily be Israel attacking the newly created Palestine State.
Just my ramblings. But trust me WW3 is coming. We will all be forced to fight regardless of whether you're pro US or not. As of now I have doubts of an Invasion of American Soil but it could happen.
Like most of you have said WW3 is coming whether you like it or not. But I doubt it will come soon. Maybe another 20 years? The US CANNOT lose. It will probably be the reason the war is started. War = good business.
My Predictions.
1) The War will be between US, Europe, Latin America, Israel, Korea, Japan vs Muslim countries, maybe African countries, Russia, China, and N.Korea. There will be others on both sides.
2) Unlike other world wars this one will have more than 1 country being able to use nukes.
3) Unlike other world wars this will probably be the last war before the NWO takes over.
4) The US and the UK will survive. Their governments will be weak but they will have more than enough power to govern the survirors left.
5) The countries still in power will pull their resources and create a police state that will encompass the world. We may even have Russian and Chinese Slaves doing some of the manual labor.
What will cause war?
1) Iraq. We don't really need it for oil. It's a strategic base. Aside from Israel we will need Iraq to station troops and other necesities.
2) North Korea will begin to starve again. When it does it will have no choice but to invade the South.
3) Doing so will give China the ok to go after Taiwan and possible Vietnam.
4) Before this Russia and China will of course sign a non-agression pact. They will slowly start to expand.
5) Expansionist China might start looking at their past opressors the Japanese. Japan may be able to stop a Chinese Attack but it may not fare so well against the Russian airfoce.
6) The US and UK will round up some of its allies. France, Germany, Canada, plus others will be forced to allign with the Western Powers since it will be in their best interest. A Communist win is a huge No-No.
7) Now the focus shifts on the middle east. It might be the Muslim Countries (my bet) that will attack Israel, but it could just as easily be Israel attacking the newly created Palestine State.
Just my ramblings. But trust me WW3 is coming. We will all be forced to fight regardless of whether you're pro US or not. As of now I have doubts of an Invasion of American Soil but it could happen.