Welcome your new Goderator!

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May 13, 2002
People of the Siccness,

The days of Anarchy are no more! Today a new chapter in the Gathering of Minds forum has begun and I, 2-0-Sixx, have been appointed the New God.

For now on, you may ONLY refer to me as God, Godfrey, Your Godliness, Dr. God, The Goderator, Evil God, or any other God related names except Goddess. Violators will be banned for eternity!

There will be no references to any other God besides me. Any reference to Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Vishnu or any other of my feeble opponents will be banned for eternity! I am the one and only true God!

The word Christian must be substituted with the number “666” or alternatively, “SATAN LOVES YOU”, with absolutely no exceptions! Violators will be banned for eternity!

There will be massive bannings starting today. The following member(s) have been banned for eternity:


That is all.

Sincerely your God,


On the real, there are very simple rules for now on. No spamming and no constant attacks without contributing to the topic.

No longer will we allow users to constantly attack or insult other members if they are not contributing to the topic. Insults are fine as long as you can offer some kind of contribution to the topic or at least attempt to bring a rational argument, but if it’s obvious that your sole purpose is to insult and nothing more, your posts will be deleted.

That’s basically it.

These are very basic and vague rules. The quality of the GOM forum has diminished dramatically in the last year or so (most noticeably in the last couple weeks) and hopefully a basic structure will keep things in order. Let’s keep the intelligent conversations flowing comrades.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
If you get to be God, I want to be the Bodhisattva of compassion and mercy in Mayahana Buddhism.

But anyhoo, congratulations, good luck, and I hope you get this shit crackin again.

On another note - why was Joe DiMaggio banned? Anything to do with this forum?
May 13, 2002
It is my understanding that he was banned about 10 times in the past with various other user names. I don’t think it had anything to do with the content of his posts in this forum; it was simply due to the fact that he had been banned numerous times before.


Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
If you make any unjust bannings/deletion of post's the Mac Jesus Committee is going to fuck you up.... ahh who am I kidding you basically started the Mac Jesus movement....... we just gained more power muthaphukkas.

First GOM... then the SICCNESS!!
Sep 28, 2004
Do you require weekly sacrifices? If so, what sort of sacrifices are we talking about? Also, do you radiate a brilliant light? ( Always wanted to see someone glow. And if God can't glow, I can't imagine who can! )

Congrats on the job. :)
May 13, 2002
Mac Jesus said:
If you make any unjust bannings/deletion of post's the Mac Jesus Committee is going to fuck you up....
As God, I have the authority to make this the People's Forum, meaning at any given time members can gather electronic signatures, a total of 15, after which a committee will verify the signatures are indeed authentic. Once they are verified we will conduct a “Confidence Poll” where the members vote if they believe I am doing a good or bad job. If the poll determines I lack the confidence of the people, new elections will be set up where anyone is welcome to participate in the elections and the winner will be the new Goderator, unless the winner is me then of course everything remains the same.

ahh who am I kidding you basically started the Mac Jesus movement....... we just gained more power muthaphukkas.

First GOM... then the SICCNESS!!
We have came a long way comrade. I remember like it was only yesterday when you were unjustly imprisoned in the Hard Times Forum. I fought long and hard to see my comrade freed, and at times it felt like it was a lost cause, but I always remained dedicated to the Proletariat and we defeated the ruling Elite!

May 13, 2002
CannibalCrow said:
Do you require weekly sacrifices? If so, what sort of sacrifices are we talking about?
As a matter of fact I do. Every Friday evening at 6:00PM at least one member must kill a pig and feed pieces it to a Jew or a Muslim. If I do not receive my sacrifice on a weekly basis, YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF GOD!!!

Also, do you radiate a brilliant light? ( Always wanted to see someone glow. And if God can't glow, I can't imagine who can! )
Only my legs glow. They are like giant glowsticks.

-Your Godliness
Apr 8, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
People of the Siccness,

The days of Anarchy are no more! Today a new chapter in the Gathering of Minds forum has begun and I, 2-0-Sixx, have been appointed the New God.

For now on, you may ONLY refer to me as God, Godfrey, Your Godliness, Dr. God, The Goderator, Evil God, or any other God related names except Goddess. Violators will be banned for eternity!

There will be no references to any other God besides me. Any reference to Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Vishnu or any other of my feeble opponents will be banned for eternity! I am the one and only true God!

The word Christian must be substituted with the number “666” or alternatively, “SATAN LOVES YOU”, with absolutely no exceptions! Violators will be banned for eternity!

There will be massive bannings starting today. The following member(s) have been banned for eternity:


That is all.

Sincerely your God,

lol, this dude is a nut


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
If you're God, then I'm the Universal Truth, lol.....

Good shit though, I'll have to stop by more often since someone actually moderates this forum now and will do something if people act like morons. Do the original mods even fucking do anything? I don't think I've seen them post in here for months, if not years.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • Ry


2-0-Sixx said:
It is my understanding that he was banned about 10 times in the past with various other user names. I don’t think it had anything to do with the content of his posts in this forum; it was simply due to the fact that he had been banned numerous times before.


What were some of his other aliases? I can tolerate every body on here no matter what thier opinion is, but that guy was a fucking prick. Im glad to see him gone...