Week5: Seak v. Fatal

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Sicc OG
May 31, 2002
fuck another loss!!

my Nyghtmare’s you beatin me but we know that’s just a dream//
scare ya wit my-stare and chuckle as my knuckles bust ya spleen//
disgusting scenes must-be-seen in this damn flow//
seak’s steeze- always show up with “Hard Knocks” like Campo//
damn hoe witness this descriptive wickedness//
like Rambo rippin clips- ya gonna “’B’ filled will 6” like this division is//
my aim’s precise it always endangers lives//
anger drives this mission to misshapen ya face wit knives//
Travolta couldn’t “Face Off” wit me and “Stay Alive”//
and this guy supposed ta wit gay lines he’s plagiarize?//
this language derives from my capable recognition//
that ya name is fiction, that Nyghtmare was a FaTaL premonition//
that seak would bomb ya, strong-arm ya like QB’s//
a personal slaughter, spot ya daughter and “Charge-her” like Drew Brees//
if this dude brings crews then a blood bath ensues//
laugh-at-fools as I separate “Head & Shoulders” like that shampoo//
this Sav’s new evil is resident for the populace//
expect dominance- I’m bustin as ya “Rush-in” like communists//
it’s obvious that ya ain’t learnin shit//
I’mma go out on a “limb” then stop ya “‘Blood’ flow” like tourniquets// ***
a General in conflict- I never flip general nonsense//
like consciousness I make Nyghtmare's nonexistent wit this content//

***I know you don’t appreciate being mistaken for a blood FaTaL… so of course I couldn’t resist. :devious:

Good luck...
Apr 25, 2002
off with your head bytch face tha guillotine/
mug still-on-mean, you betta take a swim to tha Philippinez/
get a hut and hide cuz steppin to me iz suicide/
i slice you up so fazt your body remainz blue-insyde/****
i said you're tyght but i lied, you're nothin more than mediocre/
my shyt'z too powerful, you wanna restrain me, you'll need-a-choker/
you couldnt slow me down with a parachute in a free-fall/
thiz battle aint see-saw, it'z one syded, im "shootin" you lyke B-Ball/
you wouldnt be able to blow me away with 2 grenadez and a hurricaine/
enter tha path of BODIEZ-SLAIN cuz my fascination iz to murder-thangz/
you shyt your pantz lyke you aint POTTY-TRAINED, you need sum practice/
fuck your whack-shyt, i release hot onez leavin you in a clozed cazket/
fill your death mattress or SEAK a new board cuz im knockin you off-myne/
run to Stealth and drop-dymez cuz ima fire on you lyke a cocked glock-9/
you weak ass bytch, drop an album and you'll still be microscopic juzt lyke-your-profitz/
you see tha mic-juzt-drop-it, nobody'z tryna hear a dyke-on-Phonicz/**
you write your shyt meticulous but itz still comin out more than ridiculous/*
i stick-your-bytch while you make out lyke "Dorothy & Todo" and hit-tha-brickz/
i change your form and turn you into a blob lyke metamorphosis/
ready to fynd seak on tha streetz and hit-tha-whore-with-fiztz/
fynd your flesh torn-&-ripped, i eat you up lyke cannibalz/
chewin up eyeballz, muscle tendonz, and ligamentz but you gonna eat your own genitalz/
"Incredible" lyke "The Hulk," i annihilate you lyke an A-bomb/
stay-calm az i fill your lungz with fumez of napalm/
you wanna get down son, act lyke itz a drive-by/
step up and get smacked lyke a hand to face high-five/
have your family start writin your obituary cuz your tyme-haz-come/
you lozt twice in a row already but tha 3rd tyme'z-a-charm/
your rhymez-are-done, qiut-now before you get kicked-down/
"flush" you away lil bytch, now tell me how that "shyt-sound"/
you think you're above me? your about to hit-ground/
miztake me az a Blood, puto you're about to get ripped-now/
i dont feel you lozt to Deuce, so your record standz with "Juan"-loss/
cross-me you betta drop-heat a "Million" tymez more than tha sun-dropz/
now run-beyotch, but bezt believe my 9 will catch-ya/
im lyke Tazz, enter my world and you'll only "Survive if I let-ya"/

****before oxygen hitz blood, it'z blue.
**"Hooked On Phonics workz for me!" LoL.
*meticulous meanz extremely or excessively careful.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Fatal definately had the punches and the structure and everything...but lyrically i just felt that Seak was straight heat. This could have gone either way, but I give the edge to Seak.



Sicc OG
May 31, 2002
Stealth said:

You may want to ask Fatal about his gang affiliation..

check the line after my verse... I was just fuckin with FaTaL, I know his affiliation.

thanks for the voting, those that have.... looks like folks are having to think about this, another close one...
Apr 25, 2002
vote = Seak

liked his shit better.. i think Fatal says the same basic thing every one of his rhymes.. where Seak's you can read all the way thru and not get bored..
Jun 11, 2002
this is the best battle I've seen since I've been on the siccness.
Both verses were sicc as fuck..wich is expected from these two
battle cats.I had to think about this one and go back over both verses a few times...Fatal you my boy but...


@ Fatal....stay up on that shit you goin through homie