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May 19, 2002
Yo dogg I was talkin to C-4!! I know him personally so I wanted to get on him about hidin when his team loses, which is often!! But again I knew my team wasnt gonna do nuthin big this year, but I am always here potna!!! But neither is yo team!! Your team is 6-6 and my team is 5-7!! Thats a 1 game difference!! So dont go thinkin yo squad is gonna win it all potna!! U are in about the same boat as my team!! Just be here when yall lose feel me!! GOT EM!!!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
look at czar gettin all butt hurt cuz i came here and said somethin when everybody was doubtin buffalo, stop gettin all upset, it aint like miami is your team, and i don't back down from my team, don't think i aint there any more or less when they win or lose, i got my squad's back,

and u know my feelings on dallas, i could give a fuck about yall, and u know damn well yall couldn't see us head up right now, yall all happy about a win over the redskins, they play on the level of a college team with a college coach and a rotating quarterback, and u got a senior citizen for a running back who needs a walker to play now and is gonna get pissed on and thrown out in the street in the off season

oh my bad, i'll stop speakin now, cuz i am in "the kings house?" this is "your forum??" sorry dude buddy ol pal, didn't see your name on the door pimpin, i'll back off now, wouldn't wanna get arrested by mighty king sherrif sports all knowing czar, head of the sports forum police

BUFFALO playboy, don't forget, now might not be the time, but we comin, trust me we comin
May 19, 2002
Ok Craig u already know that I can piss u off, and I was gonna let u slide but now for the rest of the season its on!!! Dont say I didnt warn u!! When yall lose next week to new England, Ima clown the shit out of u, and make u go to your room and close the door!!! How and the fuck u say my team cant see yours, when yall one game beter than us??? Yall got one of the worse defenses in the league!! Haha, R. Williams ran for damn near 250 yards on yall mark ass!!! And I dont givve a fuck about Miami, Im just sayin uza chump when it comes to this, because when your team loses and I say sumthin before u got all pissed off, and dont come in here where people can see your typin and try to deny it!! T-Rizzle!!!!! Your team aint doin shit this year,. just like mine aint, but I been here from day 1 potna!! Lets see how your season turns out!!! Also I never get butt hurt, and u know that, but u on the other hand......shit u turn into a little kid when yo wack ass team loses!!! GOT EM!!!!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Ok lemme see here....

Topic 1 -

I did not stutter potna, so go back and read what I said, dallas is gabbage, not garbage, gabbage, yall suck, u could not see us playboy, read it this time and realize it, i didn't stutter.

About my defense, I agree with you on that, I never denied that, my defense fell apart in the off season, that killed us, we lost damn near everybody.

And I did give Ricky Williams his props on his game, he was the ONLY bright spot for the guppies yesterday.

Topic 2 -

New England. We'll have to wait and see, they got the best of us in the first meeting this season. now it's time for the rematch, they are a division rival so it's already fuck em whether we win or lose.

Topic 3 -

About me gettin pissed off when someone clowns my team?? Hmm let's see...uhhh welll uhhh , you got damn fuckin right. Any true fan of any sport or sports team or whatever would get mad when someone clowns they team, or when they team loses, what the fuck u sposed to do sit there and smile, feel the same about when they lose as u do about when they win??? Hmm NO, wrong. This is just bein a fan potna, I think most will agree wit that.


pick a quarterback potna, aikman's gonna be a vegetable soon, u aint gettin him back.
May 19, 2002
Dont worry about us, yall just make sure yall pick a whole new defense potna!!! Cause we would woop yall ass if we played!!! And as for gettin all butt-hurt when your team loses and bein in a bad mood all fuckin day, aint no tru fan, thats a bitch ass fan who cant take that in the NFL your team loses sometimes!! Ofcourse I dont like when my team loses, but it dont affect my whole fuckin day, and make me wanna not be bothered...sounds like your pms homie!!! U not a tru fan anyway, I can ask u some trivia question bout your own team and I bet u wouldnt know the answers!!! Fuck yo wack ass Buffalo bitches, yall aint doin shit this year potna!!! Both of our teams will be watchin the playoffs at home potna!! See I can spit the real about my team, but u thinkin yall raw, u just gonna be more butt0hurt when yall get eliminated from the playoff picture in a couple weeks!! Haha!!! GOT EM!!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
na not a whole defense, i'm happy with my cornerbacks thanks, and London Fletcher, and a few others

live in ya dream world, believe u would beat us, ok

and about all this shit about me bein all mad all day n shit when my team loses, and not wantin to do nothin and bein all hurt n shit, dogg your inventin shit thru your cranium, of course i get mad when my team loses, but i don't sit around and sulk all day or lock myself in a room or whatever it is your sayin i dunno where ur gettin all that shit at but u keep believin what u wanna potna

and about me bein a real fan, oh sorry i don't know how many balls were used in game 6 of last years season, or umm g sorry i also don't know the all time leading punter or who lead the league in personal fouls or whatever else lil thing u can dig up, i aint got time to sit around all day and obsess about sports, u dedicate ur life to it dogg, good luck

just cuz i can't name every little fact that EVER happened about my team or what the temperature was when they won the game yesterday or how many hairs is on each players chest, don't mean i aint a real fan
May 19, 2002
U can try to be sarcastic, but I know the real deal potna!!! U dont know sports mane, so u try to be sarcastic!! haha, this forum is for real sports cats!!! Not no pretenders mane!! U act like u know shit, but we both know the real!! So continue to make your lil nonfunny jokes, but everyone knows that your team aint doin shit this year, so face it homeboy!!! Shit u lucky we dont play yall, cause yall still have nightmares about the 2 superbowls...92 & 93, when we spanked yall bitch ass!! When are yall gonna win a bowl mane??? Haha, get that wack ass franchise outta this post!! GOT EM!!!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
see people czar trys his hardest to try to make people look bad by sayin u don't know shit about this or u don't know shit about that so u can't speak on nothin or u cant have an opinion, it's like this dogg, I know what the average person knows, I am a sports fan.....read it again, FAN, I am not OBSESSED with it homie, I don't sit around all day and obsess over sports, what for?? I aint out there playin, I don't buy all the magazines, and have like 10 fantasy teams, it aint that serious dogg, so like I said, I am a sports fan, no matter what you say, and like I said I know what the average person knows, I watch sports on tv, check up on it on th net, I watch sportscenter, and other Espn shows etc... bla bla, I am a average sports fan, not a fanatic

oh and by the way, WAKE YO MUTHAFUCKIN ASS UP, u sleepin in the past potna, i knew it wasn't gonna take long for u to start referrin to the past, yall stuck in 93, damn that's sad. yeah yall had yall time, that's nice, that was 10 years ago, WAKE UP
May 19, 2002
Ok now u tryin to make yourself look good when me & u both know u dont know diddly about sports!! U can call me obsessed with sports or whatever, but I bet me & even some people I argue with like Nitro shark and whoever else wouldnt call it that!! Cause most peeps on this board knows just about as much as me, that cause we are big time sports folks, and follow it playa!! Just cause u dont follow like us, that makes people like me obsess or a theres sumthin wrong with it!! Remember I played sports al the way up until J.C., what about u homie!! U aint played a lick of a sport in your whole life!! Haha, and we know thats real talk!! So maybe thats why u dont know shit about sports!! But dont try to cop out, and tell people what I try to do! They already know we trash talk, but when it comes to u, u just aint on the level, bcause u never played any sports or know shit about it!! Atleast they know sports and not perping like yourself!! And as for me referrin to 10 yearsgo or whatever, I was just sayin are u still mad about?? And also how long has your team been in the league?? Are yall gonna ever win a superbowl??? I know u thought u was goin again, until Tennessee put that sick ass trick play on yall bitch asses, and left yall booty hole hurt!! Haha, got that ass!!! GOT EM!!!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
look here dogg, u not hearin me, i never claimed that i was some sports guru, that's you, u claim that, not me, i couldn't give a fuck about it, i follow sports, but i don't follow it like that, so why or how does that make me any less of a fan of my team than u of yours

and look at u gettin defensive, look playboy i never said there was somethin wrong with it, u try to talk down on people who speak on somethin actin like u a sports god or some shit, all i said was u so deep in this shit u obsessed, u gettin all defensive, i said if u that into it, that's on u, have fun, i aint say shit bad about it, i didn't say czar u a bitch ass muthafucka and all you do is watch sports and play video games, i didn't make it negative homie, u made it negative cuz u went out your way to diss me personally sayin that i don't know shit or whatever, and u know u do that shit all the time in person too, about hella shit, u try to make yourself seem superior to people

and for your info i played sports when i was a youngsta, know about it before you speak about it

as far as 10 years ago, have fun, live there, na i aint stuck there no mo potna, and tennessee, everybody know that play was bullshit wit that forward latteral shit
May 19, 2002
Naw that Tennessee play was real shit, and its in the books as a victory over your wack ass Bills!! Maybe u and your fellow butt hurt Byffalo fans may agree, but the rest know the deal!! Secondly, homie, i never get defensive, I just tell it like it is, and dont try to hate on me for bein a sports guru, and u dont know much! Thats on u homie!!! And how old was u when u played sports?? And what sport was it?? And was it like street ball or organized ball with a coach and game plan etc..??? When I say play sports I mean play high school and J.C. baby!! Real athlete shit, not powder puff or pop warner potna, thats even if u played that!! But its all good, u know I dont take this personal, cause I do this with all my boys so its on u, but u know u get mad real quick over talkin shit, like when we play pool, but hey everybody cant take it, and for those that cant, they shouldnt be in this forum, cause they might get butt hurt!! To end it, your wack ass squad cant fuck wit mine, in no kinda ways, whether it be tradition, career victories, superbowls, or hall of fame players, so get over it!!! GOT EM!!!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
u aint even worth arguin with, cuz i know u get off on that typa shit, u just have to win, it's hopeless with you, u will talk shit and bitch and complain and do shit like that til u get your way, anybody that knows u knows that, so i aint even gonna continue this, it's pointless,

i came in here, not that this post was the first time i been in here, but i came in here none the less and saw that everybody had picked miami, and i talked shit when my team won, and u went out your way to talk shit to me and my team, that was retarted, oh my bad, did i cross the line in "your" house again, i'll leave....

for now
May 19, 2002
Like I said, if u cant take the heat, then jump in cold water potna!! Look at what u said..."I saw that people picked miami, so i came to talk shit win they won"..... So what u sayin is u can talk shit when your team wins, but when some one talks shit back to u, u cant take it?? Haha, thats bitch shit!! If u cant take it, then dont deliver it!! U should only talk shit, if u can take it when it returns!!! Si conclusion is your team still weak, and u cant hang wit us sports folks!! GOT EM!!!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
i didn't say i couldn't take it, i said arguing with you is pointless

u hang with your sports folks, i see them all in here backin up your statements, cool dude!
May 19, 2002
Thats just it, we aint arguin, we are talkin shit about our teams etc...! That shows me u cant take it, cause u call it arguing!! Thats what a man & his woman does is argue!! Haha, We....well atleast me, I am just clownin u, and talkin shit about your wack ass Bills, but call it what u want!! GOT EM!!!