ok the cash money deal , didnt go down like i hoped, ive been in this game for a minute, grinding it out, so i got excited making the connections. it was never goin to be a cash money deal, like a glasses malone. I had posted it , hoping nigs would wish me well, and good luck. i was new to siccness, didnt relize all the lil ass kids on here and the hate that comes from it. i did happen to get a deal in texas, not with a big ass lable but the money to push a nigga. im also in talks with money tree records to make sum real power moves for the 2009. im excited about the moves that ive made. anybody that has met me or knows me, would tell you i go hard! im every where putin it down for the southbay and california. and nigs love me for that. this is the entertainment buisness , i know im not goin to make everyone happy or everyone is goin to like me, im coo with that, hate me or not you will respect how i play my cards. i get money thats easy , its what you do with the money that makes you successful. the why hate? shirts have been goin well! hella well! i got nigs from cali to miami reppin the movement. we just sent a box to houston for Scarface's new video. (hopefully we get sum good cameo shots?) . i laugh when mutha fuckas on here hate on me? its funny bcus if you really met me and knew me, you wouldnt hate. ( so its not your fault ) . im that nig that everyone gots love for , thats why you see me on stage with glasses malone, the fabs, keaks, jackas, quinns , big riches, too shorts, snoops, tum tums, traes, rick ross and more. i love siccness, its funny to me, its a love hate site! sum of yall on here be doin to much lol! the few that hate on me its good, im keep doin me and makin money. im supporting my family thats all i can ask for. im goin to make sum noise this year! its been a long haul for me. i respect the young nigs on here trying to make it happen. keep it pushin! fuck wat anyone has to say do you!! tell em "why hate?" . this is not a easy game to be in, theres lots of work you gota put in, sacrfices to make. you only live once so fuck it give it a shot. if anyone needs advice or info holla! i might not be famous (yet) , but ive made sum good connections and im great with promotional tactics. hate me now love me later.
im just me "FREDDIE HOTT SAUCE" get to know me.