WCW's 25 Biggest Mistakes, Blunders and Disasters

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Jan 18, 2006
Kcvillian, don't u think u went a little over board. Wcw pay per views weren't even that great and with tna there's hardly anything even good about it. To me most of the originals of tna are nobodies that got pushes cuz there's no real talent there which is why theres a bunch of old geezers wrestling there still
May 24, 2002
Kcvillian, don't u think u went a little over board. Wcw pay per views weren't even that great and with tna there's hardly anything even good about it. To me most of the originals of tna are nobodies that got pushes cuz there's no real talent there which is why theres a bunch of old geezers wrestling there still
its cool.

let him throw his hissy fit about the crappy product that is TNA.

in the long run it doesnt mean shit because everyone knows WWE is going to MURDER TNA
Sep 24, 2002
To me most of the originals of tna are nobodies that got pushes cuz there's no real talent there

L O L.....ya tista, cena, trips, hornswaggle all talented lmfao. the point in pushes ot to make noobs/"nobobys" into someone . with comments like that prooves people like u hang on to tradition, hang on to whats the norm , liking walmart over a ma and pa store. u like the already known wreslter = brainwashed.

which is why theres a bunch of old geezers wrestling there still

well i can admit them being on tv is a nightmare and i hate flairs guts always have. its not like their gonna be main eventing like already said "STARS" of the wwe that never change faces on the title belt .
AND u clearly ignore the facts that E has more over 40 people than tna. its called Hypocrisy
Sep 24, 2002
most wwe fans are stuck on stupid. plainest way to explain that lol.
they are caught up in a company cause of its history and the fact its still hanging around. NOT cause 18+ years actually like cena, NOT cause mature people love seeing hornswaggle on the tv. NOT cause divas can actually not just look good but wrestle NOT cause they have decent WRESTLING matches on every show.

tna .. aside from its moronic ways the last 2 months of a quick shock . they can still put on ATLEAST one good match every single show. they have the most talented roster period. just cause they dont have the numbers, dont have vinces pockets for production and AWESOME guest hosts lol, or cause they just have the bigger guys main eventing doesnt mean their shit. its called a popularity contest and most people will ignore facts , talk trash , downplay anything else just to be apart of whats the most popular thing. i liked wwF never wwE. when they failed the invasion angle they fucked up on every thing else aside from Benoit winning the belt at wm
Jan 18, 2006
Lol, This foo' has nothing to stand on. Wwe has the way better ratings and doesn't look like a low budget piece of shit production and most importantly have wrestlers that are actually entertaining. Funny how a once entertaining Kurt angle went to tna and it basically killed his career. Same with Christian but he was able to get out of there with some what a career left.
Oct 3, 2006
^^fo real i said it before i hope angle goes back to WWE to finish his career...TNA cant afford to give him a good send off