walmart workers go on strike

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No Flexxin No Fakin
Apr 1, 2003
I've been overnight stocking at WallyWorld for the past two years and I say fuck 'em. Yes, I'm happy to have a "job" but they do suck. as do a lot of employers after you have been there for some time. They got a lot of fucked up rules and regulations towards their employees. Lots of politics, and favortism runs rampant. It's pretty disgusting. But I've also seen the same shit at other employers. At my store right around the time I got hired, everybody is "part-time" employees on paper but a lot of us including me get full-time hours. They bitch about overtime but are quick as fuck to ask you if you can stay later the same day of the "no overtime" meeting, then sometime down the road you might get pulled in the front or back office and questioned/written up about why you got extra hours on so-n-so date. And dont expect mgmt to have your back because they wont(Some of them). They have this 5 hour rule. You MUST clock out before you reach your 5th straight hour of work(this doesnt really apply to me but I see it all the time)...sounds easy right?...yea but if your in a position lets say like a cashier or even a certain type of manegerial position and work gets so backed up to where you come up on your 5th and you so called get it ok'd to work past it, 100% of the time you will get damn near interrogated as to why it happened and if nobody steps up and vouches for you your fucked. I could go on about the bullshit at Wal-Mart about the raises and caps and shit but I'm good cause I just got off at 7 this mornin and I'm just venting right now. Yea,I know I need a better job/career and I cant wait to get out of there and start doin some shit that I really enjoy doin. As me and all my fellow asscociates say every night, FUCK WALMART!
May 12, 2006
I've been overnight stocking at WallyWorld for the past two years and I say fuck 'em. Yes, I'm happy to have a "job" but they do suck. as do a lot of employers after you have been there for some time. They got a lot of fucked up rules and regulations towards their employees. Lots of politics, and favortism runs rampant. It's pretty disgusting. But I've also seen the same shit at other employers. At my store right around the time I got hired, everybody is "part-time" employees on paper but a lot of us including me get full-time hours. They bitch about overtime but are quick as fuck to ask you if you can stay later the same day of the "no overtime" meeting, then sometime down the road you might get pulled in the front or back office and questioned/written up about why you got extra hours on so-n-so date. And dont expect mgmt to have your back because they wont(Some of them). They have this 5 hour rule. You MUST clock out before you reach your 5th straight hour of work(this doesnt really apply to me but I see it all the time)...sounds easy right?...yea but if your in a position lets say like a cashier or even a certain type of manegerial position and work gets so backed up to where you come up on your 5th and you so called get it ok'd to work past it, 100% of the time you will get damn near interrogated as to why it happened and if nobody steps up and vouches for you your fucked. I could go on about the bullshit at Wal-Mart about the raises and caps and shit but I'm good cause I just got off at 7 this mornin and I'm just venting right now. Yea,I know I need a better job/career and I cant wait to get out of there and start doin some shit that I really enjoy doin. As me and all my fellow asscociates say every night, FUCK WALMART!
if you work retail youre probably experiencing this or have, its not just walmart


My fit cost a rack
Oct 22, 2003
The "5 hour rule" is a state labor law. You can read about it on the California Department of Industrial Relations (CDIR) website. I assume you'r e in Cali. It's requires employers to give you a 30 minute break every 5 hours or pay a 1 hour penalty on top of your pay for the day. Any big company should be very strict on this rule because of how many employees it may affect. WalMart has no doubt been hit with class action suits over this.

The fact that your management is not supportive is another story. That's just a sign that you're ready for a better job.
Jul 25, 2007
I worked at walmart for a 8 months before as a desperation job when the recession was at its peak. Workers over there are just dumb and do whatever the boss tells them to do. If you were a cashier, they would tell you to go get carts, help out the freight guys, clean bathrooms etc. Supervisors hated me because when they told me to do that shit, id tell them to read my job description. I stay in the warehouse motherfucker. Tell the cart guys to get the carts and the janitors to clean the bathrooms bitch.

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
No Walmart in Germany.

Walmart, the most successful retail operation in the US, failed to make even a dent in the largest and most vibrant European economy (Germany) after losing a billion dollars in the process of bungling their German market experiment with so much failure it is now the stuff of local urban legend.. Let’s examine the reasons.

Cultural Hubris

“The problem was the company’s business philosophy, which had always worked so well,” wrote Frankfurt’s Börsenzeitung in what pretty much amounted to an obituary. “It’s people-centered – but that doesn’t actually work when the people aren’t American.

The company gave the job of masterminding Wal-Mart Germany to an American who didn’t speak a word of German.

The Germans weren’t fond of the Walmart practice of hiring old people to accost greet them at the door, nor were the German workers impressed with morning warm-up sessions (“Higher Profits Uber Alles! — Can I get an Amen there Fritz!!”)

Economic Hubris

They have all kinds of laws over here against the kind of disruptive market “capitalism” that has decimated small towns across America, (and still threatens the world economy IMHO):

1. You can’t sell below cost in the Eurozone countries just to run your competition our of business, even if you have a billion dollars to give it a go. Helps to level the playing field. Gives the small guys half a chance to compete with the bigger players.

2. You can’t abuse the workforce with “falling wages” and expect the government to subsidize your slave-wage workforce with food stamps and healthcare just to make ONE corporation rich at the expense of the society at large. Something else the German workers were repulsed by? A ban on flirting in the workplace. Germans to Walmart: You Don’t Own Us.

Playing by the same rules as everybody else proved FATAL for Walmart here in Germany. This Atlantic Times summed up Walmart’s German problem nicely back in 2006,

One consequence was less competitive prices than those of their rivals.

I don’t think the American business community learned much though. The same US based recap of the Walmart fiasco quoted above, also said this:

The third problem was bad press. The media reported that shoppers were turned off by Wal-Mart staff hired to greet them at the door and bag their groceries. This sort of thing was and still is unusual practice in Germany, so it was done away with.