Umm ok Bammer... I am not gonna keep debatin this, but I will add a few more things though..Seattle last year had B. Barry who had his best numbers in his career..he got R. Lewis is isnt far from allstar status!! Even D. Mason got some game, so thats bullshit to say he did it on his own!! Now on the other side, J. Kidd made the playoffs every year in Phoenix, so now what!! Now as a Net, he had a overrated K. Martin, a role player in K. Kittles, weak ass McCulloch!! That team was shitty before Kidd came.. But u did forget there second best player in Van Horn, who was also overrated at the time!! He took them from cellar dwellars to Eastern conference champs!! Now yall always say this and that about this palyer can make it in the east or whatever, but they didnt just make it in the east, They were the top dogg in the east!! J. Kidd is the best PG in the NBA!! Yall can think different, but it wont change my mind!! There u go, Im done with this debate, yall do what u do!! GOT EM!!!