[Video] Nick Diaz vs Omar Henry (boxing, sparring)

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May 13, 2002

Props to Diaz for wanting to box and likely fight Jeff Lacy or Vargas? Not going to lie though, he looks absolutely terrible. Don't think his style is going to translate well into boxing. Very slow, flat footed, etc.

Ironically Omar Henry wants to take on the MMA world. He's a 10-0 boxing prospect, who is also a complete headcase himself.

Feb 12, 2004
He isn't explosive, but he peppers you to death. And Nick's chin is second to none and dude's recovery is INSANE, but he needs to work on his head movement. Looks really slow and isn't using his reach much. I wonder if he talks shit while sparring too? lol.
Jan 7, 2004
Yeah that was the first time I have seen Nick look really slow, if he were to box the way that sparring match went I don't think he would last. I'm a fan of Nick and I would like to see how he would do in a boxing match, I just fear that all the striking he has done in MMA is so far off from the striking that is needed in boxing. I'm not saying his striking is not good but it is meant for MMA not boxing, just like most boxers striking is meant for a boxing match and not an MMA match. When he throws those body shots, he really leaves his hands down for far too long IMO.
Jul 24, 2005
if nick fights lacy it will be a 2rd ko from that footage nick will have a hard time fighting well known boxers he needs to take his time and fight figthers on his level
May 13, 2002
margarito had arguably the best chin in boxing but his no defense got him KO'd by shane mosley a couple years ago. so yeah, a great chin can only get you so far.

for diaz to progress I would hope he takes on someone like jeff lacy first, who is shot to absolute shit and maybe diaz could win that fight, instead of going right at Sergio Martinez like they were talking about!
May 6, 2002
He doesn't look good because it's not really his mentality. He has to worry about leg kicks, take downs, etc. So when you think like that, your boxing stance is completely off. When I train with other MMA fighters, to them my stance is a little off because I would never shoot in, and they can tell. Same vice versa, to me, their stance is not completely focused on striking.

Even with that said, he's smart to focus on boxing. His hands completely outshine other people in his division.
Jan 7, 2004
He doesn't look good because it's not really his mentality. He has to worry about leg kicks, take downs, etc. So when you think like that, your boxing stance is completely off. When I train with other MMA fighters, to them my stance is a little off because I would never shoot in, and they can tell. Same vice versa, to me, their stance is not completely focused on striking.

Even with that said, he's smart to focus on boxing. His hands completely outshine other people in his division.
Yep exactly, so many people want to compare boxing striking to MMA striking and they are completely different styles. I really wanted to see Nick in a boxing match, but that video did not provide any evidence that he would do good in a boxing match against a top guy, or hell even a mid guy, hell honestly a real quick new guy might be able to get the job done.
Jul 21, 2002
He may have one of the best chins, but he better work on his footwork and defense because he will eventually get ktfo if he keeps eating punches.
not to mention that boxer's are typically more accurate since that's primarily what they work on. I don't care who it is, you can only take so many punches on the point of the chin before you get knocked out.
Feb 12, 2004
He doesn't look good because it's not really his mentality. He has to worry about leg kicks, take downs, etc. So when you think like that, your boxing stance is completely off. When I train with other MMA fighters, to them my stance is a little off because I would never shoot in, and they can tell. Same vice versa, to me, their stance is not completely focused on striking.

Even with that said, he's smart to focus on boxing. His hands completely outshine other people in his division.
Agreed 100%!