V-Nasty & Female Rapper SKG ARGUE & Plans to FIGHT!!!!

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Dec 14, 2006
i have way more important shit to worry about, and ill let the people whom know him dictate whether or not they find it bothersome or not

who am i to be niguardian?

but if you feel im sidestepping your question, upon moving to SF in the late 90's, the 'nigga' thing used by different races was something i had to get used to. if we wanna take it farther, the way they dress was even a factor. it took a good year or two to get used to. for a while i took it like blatant dick riding, after a while i decided it was just the spread of urban culture amongst the US and in bigger cities is a norm, and if you were birthed into hip hop culture i cant tell you to not be influenced by the spearhead of said culture.

but upon living in the bay, ive never had one racial encounter. i cant say the same for san diego.

at the end of the day, theres a way to respect people and theres a way not to. and the way a word is used will be the judge of alot of that. nigga is a slightly more acceptable term than lets say...porch monkey...which you might get a percentage of your face removed for saying 100 percent of the time.

to me if a person feels comfortable saying something im not gonna tell them to stop saying it but if i can hear a nervous energy in saying it, il, definitately point out the shit sounds forced, or unnatural..cuz im not the type that really wants corniness around me.

only can worry about my circle....ill let everyone else worry about theirs yaknow

its safe to say that a person who says it amongst their friends is not going out of town to a city and ghetto they dont know full of blacks they dont know and call THEM 'nigga'...because theres some risk in that. so at the end of the day, its said within boundaries. its when it gets wreckless that i can no longer cosign the shit, because that may get someone hurt.
Real Shit!
Mar 1, 2006
I feel special you would write 3 paragraphs of blah blah for me! Far from cheer leading..you mad ? Of course your joking, seems like when the joke comeback to you you want to write a essay lol...Jokes on you bud.You know what I do and what Im doing lol..dont act like you dont see it and talking to prove you wrong will only result in insults that hold 0 weight.

Now as for you question about this vnasty chick. I think she is dumb for putting it on wax, and even dumber for acting how she acts period on camera, it comes off more like a act/fake. She says the N word more then any black person ive heard and it makes me cringe for some reason when she says it.

What ever is allowed around your personal circles is allowed is all I can say..if your willing to let your personal life be viewed by the public..or chose to say things that can offend people then be ready for the attention it will bring to you. This is a music forum...I post videos, music, free beats, through events, and buy ad spaces frequently so its not spamming its called contributing to keeping this site up so people like you can have fun talking shit to ppl (As a joke) on here.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
i think its comedy that there is more threads about Lil B and V Nasty than there is about any bay area rappers anyone likes on here.
Mar 1, 2006
i think its comedy that there is more threads about Lil B and V Nasty than there is about any bay area rappers anyone likes on here.
i dont its about its about those particular artist its more about the dumb shit they say. But remember the hyphy movement subconciously made it cool to be dumb again


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
It must suck to have to decide who you can and who you can't say a word around though without maybe having to get into a fight or worse. That alone would make me stop using it, if I did.

That wasn't aimed at anyone by the way, just saying.

"Nah, I don't know this fool so I'm not saying n*gga tonight"

That is just funny to me personally.
really though

and at what point do you know it's cool to say it around someone
like you see someone at a party...

white guy: hey, whats up man, don't I know you?
black guy: yeah, we meet at that function last weekend, what's good?
white guy: oh shit... WASSUP MY NIGGA???



Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
or if you're around your "circle" who are accepting of you using the n-word... do you use it around them in public? or just in the privacy of your house or car, etc.

like let's say you're at a restaurant or bar and having a conversation... do you say "nigga"? do you just say it quietly to ensure people around you don't hear your conversation... and if they do, do you explain... "nah it's cool... we're in the same circle"


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
its like, you can say nigga if i can go on rants about 'white people' every so often without you getting butt hurt

we'll meet eachother halfway
well personally I don't want to say the word nigga, and I don't mind if you go on rants about white people either

so it's a win-win for you on this one

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
my main thing is this, if you wanna say nigga dont make up no gay ass exscuse to say it. cuz that shit just makes me shake my head in sadness.

i grew up in a neighborhood full of bloods, and i didnt just all the sudden start saying 'blood' because all the people around me said it...thats the main problem with the new generation these days..the internet has fucked everyones head off

no one knows whats real socially anymore as the net garners alot more trackable traffic....whats cool...comes from the net...it dosent just all the sudden come through one day and its a fad...the internet dictating whats fashionable and cool can in many ways be a huge mistake..but what do we do now? we wanted this freedom..... i think