3. No incentive to surpass the fellow man...Would a janitor make what a scientist makes? etc.
Lenin explains in the
"State and Revolution", and Marx explains in
"Critique of the Gotha Program", it is impossible to jump straight from capitalism to communism. Remember, it's a process.
As I stated before, the only incentive to work harder under Capitalism is "work so you can pay your rent, your mortgage, your interest on credit card and school loans, your over-priced food, healthcare, transportation, and entertainment, and so on or starve and be homeless". That is the only incentive capitalism offers you can you and I. Why work more efficiently at work if you know you have to be there for 8 hours no matter what? Just as I was typing messages through out the day at work, I didn't give a fuck. I had to be there till 5, no matter what.
Under socialism, the incentive to come up with more efficient ways to do things is that we'd have to work less time to do the same amount of work. "The amount of NECESSARY labor needed to produce the things we NEED" like food, housing, etc. would gradually decrease so that eventually the working hours would shorten significanlty. Of course as humans we would not be lazy and sit around...humans are curious, exploratory, and want to learn, invent, etc. You and I, I'm sure, would spend most of our free time learning. Our free time would be spent creating ever better works of art, scientific research, cures for diseases, etc. After a period of time, the new generations will not even know what it was like under capitalism, and the productivity of labor will be tremendoulsy high.
2. Ideology of the proletariat and the "selfish pig"
What's wrong with the ideology? I assume you don't have a problem with "proletariat" - "is that class of society which does not have ownership of the means of production. Therefore, the only source of income for proletarians is wage labor. "
So, I assume your problem is with the "selfish-pig". Going back to what you said about your parents...they are not the "selfish-pig", they are the working class. As you stated, their income is amoungst the top 5%, but the costs of living where they are obviously lower them to the point of middle class.
When I say "Selfish-pig" I mean the elite group of people, the REAL rich individuals who control this country and exploit the working class. The wealth created by all these workers is not shared equally, the corporations and billionnaires keep a very unequal share for themselves. Bill Gates? A handful of people are making the money, pulling the strings and only care about themselves and making their pockets fatter while millions starve, are homeless, and unemployed. They don't care about the average man...all they care about are themselves. Under communsim, or socialism, the surplus wealth produced by working people would be used to provide better wages, benefits, healthcare, education, safety conditions, new technology that could reduce the working day, etc. etc. etc.
1. Quota workers/Goes against Human nature
I don't understand what you mean. Can you elaborate?