US Record Prison Population Rises Again

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Jul 22, 2006
Don’t underestimate the importance of a prison to politicians. Take for example a Congressional District. A candidate can run on an economic development platform that includes the construction of a new super max prison in the district. They can claim that such a project will bring money to the district through construction contracts, building costs, tax revenue, new jobs working in the prison, etc. If they do in the short or long term doesn’t really matter, what does is that it is a convincing/attractive proposition to many communities. This can then help the politician gain office or hold office come election time. Come census time his county gains those prisoners held within as citizens of the district. Never mind that they can’t vote. What the increased numbers will do is increase the politicians pork power in congress. More money can be given to a larger population area for projects and when the free voting population is actually smaller than the census numbers, the benefit can be even greater. The census will also show a tremendous population spike in the area which will in turn bring out more federal pork spending. Not to mention the tax money that can now be diverted to this “larger” district. What does it all mean? More money lining politicians pockets and more power.
Feb 8, 2006
Speaking strictly on California what's your guys opinion? The overcrowding from Solano to Salinas Valley living in gyms and shit.
Nov 1, 2005
it aint about racism or economics..its all about choices,u wanna make that quick dollar or stay in school?..i think its an insult to us ''minorities'' when ppl say that its sum1 elses plan that we're were sum dumb fukin cattle who cant think.


Apr 25, 2002
surcaliman said:
it aint about racism or economics..its all about choices,u wanna make that quick dollar or stay in school?..i think its an insult to us ''minorities'' when ppl say that its sum1 elses plan that we're were sum dumb fukin cattle who cant think.
You are contradicting yourself. Look at what you said:

it aint about racism or economics
but the very next sentence you say:

its all about choices,u wanna make that quick dollar or stay in school?
Now, if this is not about racism and economics, why do whites have better/more life chances and social mobility? If this is not about economics why are you mentioning one persons choice to make a quick dollar?


Apr 25, 2002
surcaliman said:
^^yes,the quick dollar that'll buy u flashy cars,jewely,clothes that instant and not the long term dollar that will eventually buy u a house.
Now, if this is not about racism and economics, why do whites have better/more life chances and social mobility? If this is not about economics why are you mentioning one persons choice to make a quick dollar?
Nov 1, 2005
^^what chances are u talkin about?...u mean jobs,scholerships?..look,most of my cousins grew up in the same fucked up nieghborhood,same economic situation,same poor illegal parents..1 cousin gangbanged,slanged dope now he's doing life without @ pelican bay,another stayed in school,didnt hang out on the streets and eventually graduated from cal poly pomona and now lives a pretty comfortable life..thats all i'm was all about choices.....late


Sicc OG
Apr 2, 2006
Nitro the Guru said:
What is the significance of our prison population being on the rise? If you look at the statistics, it makes sense. The majority of those who spend time in prison end up returning. And given that it is not their first offense, they often serve more time then their first run. Combined with the fact that the population of this country is rapidly rising, what are we to question here?

1. That the government is failing to keep people out of trouble?

2. That the government is locking up too many of the wrong people?

3. That a lot humans are retarded?

All of the above? Some of the above? Are you trying to say anything with this, 2-0-Sixx? Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to understand the significance of this information. If it is just for informative purposes, then disregard everything I just posted.

I think the government would rather have minorities being "productive members of society" as opposed to being locked up, but for the most part, everything you said is on point and true.
real talk....i feel with the enormous amount of growth in terms of population in prisons...its to show peeps that there's needs to be a turn around and for everyone to step up and not reside in a prison....


Apr 25, 2002
^^what chances are u talkin about?...
Do you understand life chances and social mobility? If not I'll explain it, if you do, we shouldn't even have this convo.

u mean jobs,scholerships?..
see above.

look,most of my cousins grew up in the same fucked up nieghborhood,same economic situation,same poor illegal parents..1 cousin gangbanged,slanged dope now he's doing life without @ pelican bay,another stayed in school,didnt hang out on the streets and eventually graduated from cal poly pomona and now lives a pretty comfortable life
Both of these come from the same family? Also, do you not agree it would be EASIER for a person to succeed if they are NOT ascribed a bad economic situation from birth, don't have to worry about gangs, and don't have to worry about housing?

thats all i'm was all about choices.....late
No it isn't.
Nov 1, 2005
i only understand what i see in real life heresy,i understand that a man can come here from another country with $50 bucks in his pocket,get a job and eventually end up buying a home for his family..and i understand this cause i've seen it done....i'm just not down with that ''victim'' mentality...i'm down with that ''si se puede'' mentality.


Apr 25, 2002
i only understand what i see in real life heresy,i understand that a man can come here from another country with $50 bucks in his pocket,get a job and eventually end up buying a home for his family..
These cases are the EXCEPTION to the rule. How many illegal immigrants are buying homes for their families? If everyone can come here with 50 bucks to their name, get a job and move up the ladder wouldn't this change:

Don't you think the gap would be smaller? Of course it would, but truth is what you are talking about is not applicable for everyone.

and i understand this cause i've seen it done....
How many times have you seen it done? For everytime you did see it done, I can guarantee you saw 10 or more times were it was NOT done.

i'm just not down with that ''victim'' mentality...i'm down with that ''si se puede'' mentality.
This has nothing to do with a victim mentality. This has everything to do with a certain group of people controlling the majority of finances and wealth. This has everything to do with people born into situations they have little control over.

Again, do you not agree it would be EASIER for a person to succeed if they are NOT ascribed a bad economic situation from birth, don't have to worry about gangs, and don't have to worry about housing?