US plans death camp

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May 13, 2002
THE US has floated plans to turn Guantanamo Bay into a death camp, with its own death row and execution chamber.

Prisoners would be tried, convicted and executed without leaving its boundaries, without a jury and without right of appeal, The Mail on Sunday newspaper reported yesterday.

The plans were revealed by Major-General Geoffrey Miller, who is in charge of 680 suspects from 43 countries, including two Australians.

The suspects have been held at Camp Delta on Cuba without charge for 18 months.

General Miller said building a death row was one plan. Another was to have a permanent jail, with possibly an execution chamber.

The Mail on Sunday reported the move is seen as logical by the US, which has been attacked worldwide for breaching the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war since it established the camp at a naval base to hold alleged terrorists from Afghanistan.

But it has horrified human rights groups and lawyers representing detainees.

They see it as the clearest indication America has no intention of falling in line with internationally recognised justice.

The US has already said detainees would be tried by tribunals, without juries or appeals to a higher court. Detainees will be allowed only US lawyers.

British activist Stephen Jakobi, of Fair Trials Abroad, said: "The US is kicking and screaming against any pressure to conform with British or any other kind of international justice."

American law professor Jonathan Turley, who has led US civil rights group protests against the military tribunals planned to hear cases at Guantanamo Bay, said: "It is not surprising the authorities are building a death row because they have said they plan to try capital cases before these tribunals.

"This camp was created to execute people. The administration has no interest in long-term prison sentences for people it regards as hard-core terrorists."

Britain admitted it had been kept in the dark about the plans.

A Downing St spokesman said: "The US Government is well aware of the British Government's position on the death penalty."
May 13, 2003
all this shit goes against the geneva conventions. And USA was crying like a bitch with the POWS in Iraq, when they treat the Afghan POWS in ways that violate the GEneva conventions.

Shit I mean USA only massacred 3500+ POWS in Afghanistan lol

very good documentary to watch made by Jamie Doran about the Afghan Massacre.
Mar 18, 2003
I know, those special effects almost make the buildings look like their actually crashing down, and those people jumping out of it, oh man its just incredible.
Jul 6, 2002
mclean, i like you b/c your comments make me want to puke. you remind me that there is an unconscious group of minorities that are brainwashed with the CON...please let me continute to SERV on my knees, like the slave I am; live To IntentionallyVolunteer and giVE up information. Sucka!

i dont know what is wrong with you ANTIplaya, but dont you think that there is a huge possibility that there are some of these so called "enemy combatants" that got caught up and shipped to cuba on some trumped up charges that the US concocted?

@all: do you actually believe that the "military tribunals" will be fair and just for those who are accused ??? Or will they be unbalanced and corrupted, you konw, the same way our court system really are here in America ??? i think that all of the folx being held in cuba are equivilent to poor black defendants here in the united snakes, guilty until proven innocent.
May 8, 2002
This is pretty frightening.
Soon the U.S. is going to be like CHINA who has those roving "death vans" where a person is tried and executed all from the comfort of a conversion van.
The future does not look good.
May 8, 2002
Mujahid said:
booty mangala mook are you jewish, u never answered.
Nope, I'm not jewish, but if I was, what would that have to do with anything, let alone THIS POST ABOUT GUANTANAMO BAY DEATH CAMPS?
And after you get a couple of posts under your wing, you little hatchling you, I might respond to your asinine insults. Until then, shouldn't you be out stoning an adulteress or waging a Holy War or taking part in institutionalized pedestary or something?
When you've grown out of this incessant chirping phase that you're in, I'd be happy to respectfully debate issues with you.
May 25, 2003
The trem "Illegal Combatant" is not an real term, it's NOT internationaly acepted nor acepted by the UN, It's a term that the US made up to be able to do what they want.

There have never been presented any proof that the people on the base are terrorists (of course some have been proven terrorists BUT NOT ALL).