The Evil Genius said:
Luni Coleone iz garbage az fuck now I aint fucked with hiz muzic in like 8 yearz so IMO your credibility o music just went str8 in the toilet.
Itz true that the 90's had better music but The Games only diversaty iz that hiz flow iz East Coast. That name droppin shit just killz everything.
Mitchy had way better trackz then just the ones that u named homie. Syndo Mobb, Bass Chasers & I Know all knock.
Who ever said Mitch tryed 2 sound hyphy on a track iz a mothafuckin dumb ass. Tell me what song that waz.
Syndo Mobb ain't bad, but Bass Chaser, cmon homie, that's the same $hit everybody be making these days. It's no different. Ain't nothing slappin about that beat, other than some wierd @ss sound FX and disorted nasty bassline synth that's better off suitable for Trance music. That beat ain't true music, $hit like that is on the same level as Hyphy beats. "I know" is aight, I'll give you that one, it's good musically.
Listen to Ecay Uno's shit, tracks like "Life or Death," "Pieces," "If it's on it's on," "Look Atchaself," "Neva Give up" "still gang bangin," "nigga say nigga do," "180 Gold," "You Got Beef." Now that's some Good quality shit. "If it's on it's on" is one of the best tracks I've heard in a long long time, one of the hardest tracks ever I think.
And as far as Luni Coleone, I was talking more about his beat usage. I can't really stand his vocal change now though because he's forcing it, he was better off as Lunasicc. But as far as Luni Coleone goes, check out his tracks, "Ya Okay," "Ride da Beef," "1Mic," "Where You At," "Thug Shit," "Ya Ya," "Friends," " In the mouth of madness," "Straight Nigga," "Everywhere I Go," "I Know This." Hear all these tracks and you can't tell me most of those ain't sick beats with true musical elements.
If the music itself ain't good, I won't hear it lyrically, simple as that. I like to "listen" to the music also, not just the lyrics. Someone could be rapping about the sickest gangster shit, telling a good story, whatever, but if I hear a sound or two that disrupt it, such as a faggot ass whistle sound, or someother nonsense that doesn't go well with rap music, I'll simply stop listening. I don't want to hear some gangster rap lyrics with some looney toon beats, simple as that. The beat better be on par with the vibe of the lyrics. That's one thing the greats like Tupac had, they had it both, good music and good lyrics to go along.