Update on Das Bus Premier (Tech N9ne Movie)

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Aug 8, 2002
Briana, Briana, Briana......

What made me respond to what you typed? When someone asks a question they usually expect an answer. You don't like my answer? That's too bad.

Why do I feel obligated to chime in? I don't feel obligated. I just thought your comment was pretty fuckin rude. Considering you probablly dont know who STRANGE1 or STRANGE7 are......if you do....cool good for you. I guess it's an inside joke I wasn't let in on.....probablly cause i'm unimportant.

Does this make me feel like I have a purpose in life? Oh yeah.....If I couldn't be on here correcting people and setting you straight.....i dont think i would be able to continue my life.

And I didn't take anything personal. I could give 2 fucks about what you think. I'm so glad you let me know what Tech and EVERYONE at Strange thinks about me. Way to look out for me and shit.

by the way....."briana's" email address is [email protected]

It's funny that someone that "lives" in seattle would have a kansas city road runner email.....hmmmm....i'm not buying it!

Mar 31, 2003
Nick, Nick, Nick.....

HaHa I like the way u set the dumb shits.. oh sorry BRIANA, I mean the nice people on this forum straight,

Also Nick,

Dont worry about how Strange feels about you, your still higher on the food chain than Jose, hahaha

Apr 19, 2003
techn9nehq said:
Briana, Briana, Briana......

What made me respond to what you typed? When someone asks a question they usually expect an answer. You don't like my answer? That's too bad.

Why do I feel obligated to chime in? I don't feel obligated. I just thought your comment was pretty fuckin rude. Considering you probablly dont know who STRANGE1 or STRANGE7 are......if you do....cool good for you. I guess it's an inside joke I wasn't let in on.....probablly cause i'm unimportant.

Does this make me feel like I have a purpose in life? Oh yeah.....If I couldn't be on here correcting people and setting you straight.....i dont think i would be able to continue my life.

And I didn't take anything personal. I could give 2 fucks about what you think. I'm so glad you let me know what Tech and EVERYONE at Strange thinks about me. Way to look out for me and shit.

by the way....."briana's" email address is [email protected]

It's funny that someone that "lives" in seattle would have a kansas city road runner email.....hmmmm....


humm must have hit a nerve.Trying to get personal.HUH???

I do live in King County(seattle).Just because you see KC doesnt mean bamma ass kansas city.Commercial e-mail addresses have a county domain,get it!!!There are commercial accounts that road runner has,that is totally opposite of personal accounts.Should have known that Mr know-it-all.

Since you think you are so smart keep trying me,with the email address,and I will make you look like an ass!!

you are right you are unimportant,and by your screen name you seem to me lacking self identity.

yes I asked a qusestion,but next time I will clearly state for mr know-it -all to keep his mouth shut so I wont get Dick-in-the-boody responces!!..Next!

Keep sucking strange dick maybe they will throw you a nickle one day..Looooooser!!!
Apr 19, 2003
StrangeLowregal said:
Nick, Nick, Nick.....

HaHa I like the way u set the dumb shits.. oh sorry BRIANA, I mean the nice people on this forum straight,

Also Nick,

Dont worry about how Strange feels about you, your still higher on the food chain than Jose, hahaha

dick rider!
Feb 12, 2003
Briana said:

humm must have hit a nerve.Trying to get personal.HUH???

I do live in King County(seattle).Just because you see KC doesnt mean bamma ass kansas city.Commercial e-mail addresses have a county domain,get it!!!There are commercial accounts that road runner has,that is totally opposite of personal accounts.Should have known that Mr know-it-all.

Since you think you are so smart keep trying me,with the email address,and I will make you look like an ass!!

you are right you are unimportant,and by your screen name you seem to me lacking self identity.

yes I asked a qusestion,but next time I will clearly state for mr know-it -all to keep his mouth shut so I wont get Dick-in-the-boody responces!!..Next!

Keep sucking strange dick maybe they will throw you a nickle one day..Looooooser!!!

Mar 31, 2003
haha, thats all u have to reply,

calling me a dick rider simply because i agreed that ur a fuckin dumb bitch for sayin stupid shit and expecting to not be corrected on it, dont worry no hard feelings, one day ill let u swang on my nuts,,

steve :*
Aug 8, 2002
Briana said:

humm must have hit a nerve.Trying to get personal.HUH???

I do live in King County(seattle).Just because you see KC doesnt mean bamma ass kansas city.Commercial e-mail addresses have a county domain,get it!!!There are commercial accounts that road runner has,that is totally opposite of personal accounts.Should have known that Mr know-it-all.

Since you think you are so smart keep trying me,with the email address,and I will make you look like an ass!!

you are right you are unimportant,and by your screen name you seem to me lacking self identity.

yes I asked a qusestion,but next time I will clearly state for mr know-it -all to keep his mouth shut so I wont get Dick-in-the-boody responces!!..Next!

Keep sucking strange dick maybe they will throw you a nickle one day..Looooooser!!!
My bad on the whole emails......i didnt think i'd be going up against such a computer geek as yourself. In the future, I will refrain from testing your commercial internet domain server knowlege.

Self Identity? So me signing every post "Nick" doesn't let you know enough about myself?
Whatelse would you like to know?

"Dick-in-the-boody responces!!".......I like that one......funny shit

Keep worrying about my status with Strange Music.....and how much money I make......you'll get far in life if you keep on with that shit.

Now.....kindly remove your lips from my dick.....you're gonna leave a mark......bitch!

Apr 19, 2003
techn9nehq said:

My bad on the whole emails......i didnt think i'd be going up against such a computer geek as yourself. In the future, I will refrain from testing your commercial internet domain server knowlege.

Self Identity? So me signing every post "Nick" doesn't let you know enough about myself?
Whatelse would you like to know?

"Dick-in-the-boody responces!!".......I like that one......funny shit

Keep worrying about my status with Strange Music.....and how much money I make......you'll get far in life if you keep on with that shit.

Now.....kindly remove your lips from my dick.....you're gonna leave a mark......bitch!


yeah "your bad" on the email thing! I know you were all excited thinking you had me,by posting it to the board.Sorry it didnt work..LOL

signing every post "nick"???
do you really sign
"every" post as nick??

You need to worry about your status.Im not sure If you know the going rates for dick riding in the year 2003...NEXT!!!
Mar 31, 2003
Alright, but Nick, oh i mean techn9nehq- since he wishes to stay secretive, will get mad if i turn this post into a fighting post, so ill leave it up to him,

luv u briana :* mmmmmmuuuuuuuaaaaahhhhh

Aug 8, 2002
Signing posts with "Nick" is about as original as making my username Briana.....so go on with that shit.

calling me a dick rider.....thats classic.....and yet so original.

A loan officer eh? So thats what they call HIV infected transvestite prostitutes in Seattle.

Steve watch out for this bitch when you hit Seattle.....I'm guessing you'll be tipped off by the bulge in her....errrrrrr......ummmmmm....his pants.

I can't wait for you to call me a dickrider again!

Apr 19, 2003
techn9nehq said:
Signing posts with "Nick" is about as original as making my username Briana.....so go on with that shit.

calling me a dick rider.....thats classic.....and yet so original.

A loan officer eh? So thats what they call HIV infected transvestite prostitutes in Seattle.

Steve watch out for this bitch when you hit Seattle.....I'm guessing you'll be tipped off by the bulge in her....errrrrrr......ummmmmm....his pants.

I can't wait for you to call me a dickrider again!


since you cant wait,well lets start like this"dick rider"

I am a loan officer,and what are you?
Thats what I thought a wanna be...LOL
Ill make sure to watch your life story"Malibu's most wanted"..LOL

Make sure yo turn your hat backwards and say yo yo yo,in your next post,then maybe you'll put some fear in my heart.

And were you not the Mr know-it-all who posted a thread about the state of this board.???
Humm looks like you need to follow your own advise,and shut the fuck up!!

NEXT.lets keep the ball rolling!!
Aug 8, 2002
I'm a retail order processor at Hallmark Cards Inc......in short I probablly make more money doing less work than your pathetic ass.

Asking people to sign up for a Sears card when they walk into the store is hardly a loan officer Briana. Re-examine your life.....then take a shotgun to your mouth like Seattles finest did. (Kurt Cobain for you wee tawds)

Yes....that was me who posted that thread....and you want me to shut the fuck up? Awwww.....am I getting on your nerves now? How sweet.

Are you having fun coming to conclusions about my life? I don't know if I should catagorize you as a pest or a stalker. I'm flattered that you would want to see a movie about my life. But it's far from Malibu's Most Wanted.

Make sure you trim your mustache and gargle with listerine before getting back on my dick in your next post.

Apr 19, 2003
techn9nehq said:
I'm a retail order processor at Hallmark Cards Inc......in short I probablly make more money doing less work than your pathetic ass.

Asking people to sign up for a Sears card when they walk into the store is hardly a loan officer Briana. Re-examine your life.....then take a shotgun to your mouth like Seattles finest did. (Kurt Cobain for you wee tawds)

Yes....that was me who posted that thread....and you want me to shut the fuck up? Awwww.....am I getting on your nerves now? How sweet.

Are you having fun coming to conclusions about my life? I don't know if I should catagorize you as a pest or a stalker. I'm flattered that you would want to see a movie about my life. But it's far from Malibu's Most Wanted.

Make sure you trim your mustache and gargle with listerine before getting back on my dick in your next post.


took you long enough,Im on salary+commission...I made $46,000 last year.Seatlles cost of living is much more than kansas city.so you are wrong again.

why keep arguing?? you are not living by example nicholas!!this just proves that I have you frustrated,and you want to hurt my feeling with every reply.So that means Im doing my job..LOL

Yeah malibus most wanted suits you "YO YO YO YO"!!!

"retail order processor"..LOL you are dealing with greeting cards.Im approving loans up to $100,000.Wow how long did it take you to think up of that job?.It sounds important but I bet you made it up!!!LOL...next!!

I can go all night!!..LOL
Aug 8, 2002
Took me long enough....sorry.....I have other things to do than sit here and wait for your ditsy ass to reply with some babble.

Salary+commission and you only made $46,000.....oh my....a friend of mine is starting at Wells Fargo's main office in Des Moines next week and has a base salary of $52,000.....you must really suck at selling loans to people. Sears needs to treat you better sweetheart.

the malibu's most wanted joke failed the first time.....but keep tryiing....maybe someone will think it's funny.

Yes...I deal with greeting cards....for a company who netted $4.2 billion dollars last year and is the premier business in the personal greeting business.....and you're stuck with a dead end job of aproving loans up to $100,000.....sweet....so you're saying you have an entry level position that a high school grad could handle. Good for you! I'm proud to be in a little fight with you.

This is fun.....we should do it again sometime. But for now you better get some sleep...you probablly have a long day of getting loans for people who want to secure them on a rusted 87 Camaro ahead of you tomorrow.

Apr 19, 2003
techn9nehq said:
Took me long enough....sorry.....I have other things to do than sit here and wait for your ditsy ass to reply with some babble.

Salary+commission and you only made $46,000.....oh my....a friend of mine is starting at Wells Fargo's main office in Des Moines next week and has a base salary of $52,000.....you must really suck at selling loans to people. Sears needs to treat you better sweetheart.

the malibu's most wanted joke failed the first time.....but keep tryiing....maybe someone will think it's funny.

Yes...I deal with greeting cards....for a company who netted $4.2 billion dollars last year and is the premier business in the personal greeting business.....and you're stuck with a dead end job of aproving loans up to $100,000.....sweet....so you're saying you have an entry level position that a high school grad could handle. Good for you! I'm proud to be in a little fight with you.

This is fun.....we should do it again sometime. But for now you better get some sleep...you probablly have a long day of getting loans for people who want to secure them on a rusted 87 Camaro ahead of you tomorrow.


"a friend of mine"?? am I not talking about you?.Do you work at wells fargo?.This was dumb to bring up!!

a company that net 4.2 billion??...and?? what does that have to do withyour salary??? which you failed to mention!!

I need sleep huh??,or is it your way of saying that you had enough..LOL

LOL, nice cop out!!!
Feb 12, 2003
Damn this is getting good....sorry nick you are getting "smashed" by a chick....LMAO

But...urr.umm ..I do remember the post where you were bitching about the way this board looks to other siccness members..

Do you think by argueing with a female about salaries looks good to the siccness members..Im saying all this because you said my name in that post...like you were some bigshot!!..and you are doing the same shit in this post..you need to check yourself...homie!!!
Aug 8, 2002
oh.....i can go all night too.....no cop out here......

i just thought i'd let you know what you should be making doing what you're doing. It just sounds like you're getting the preverbial dick in the butt over there at Sears Home Financial.

Since you're so interested in my salary, like any gold digging bitch would be, I made little over $37,000 last year. And i'm happy with that.....unlike you who is obviously self-consious about your pay that you had to point out that the cost of living in seattle is more than kc......so I did a little research cause i'm tired of you making me look dumb......hahaha.......right.......

you'd have to make $38,412 to support your crack habits that you have in seattle right now if you moved to KC......So for the dumb.....You making $46,000 in Seattle=$38,412 in KC

Thanks for pointing that out.....and you thought you were slick.

I'll have to give MY FRIEND a call and see if he can help you get a real job.

This is starting to sound like a date gone bad on Blind Date.

Aug 8, 2002
delgado said:
Damn this is getting good....sorry nick you are getting "smashed" by a chick....LMAO

But...urr.umm ..I do remember the post where you were bitching about the way this board looks to other siccness members..

Do you think by argueing with a female about salaries looks good to the siccness members..Im saying all this because you said my name in that post...like you were some bigshot!!..and you are doing the same shit in this post..you need to check yourself...homie!!!
Getting smashed? How so? You thought her "malibu's most wanted" joke was funny? damn....i'm sorry.

Look at the material i have to use here! She's talking shit about jobs.....haha....bitch doesnt even know me.

Thanks for your concern....Now you go back to worrying about the future of Strange Music and how Tech will never be bigger than kansas city.
