Ungrateful Homeless People

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Apr 24, 2003
Kansas City, MO
here's a story...

i was staying in this run down apartment complex ran buy this christian guy. he was a really nice man and used these apartments as what he called his "ministry". prostitutes, crackheads and the homeless combed the four streets that surrounded this building. he used the location of this building in an attempt to help the less fortunate, and i will say his intentions were genuine. he wasn't a slum lord or anything like that, but i digress.

There was a homeless woman with 3 kids sitting at a bus stop just waiting for handouts. He saw her and offered her an apartment free-of-charge. He simply asked that she try to get on her feet during her stay. He offered her all the help in the world to do that, as well. She said OK. Well, she moves in to the apartment directly across from mine. He informs me and my wife of her situation, so we decided to help with what we could. Furniture was donated by other tenants, clothes and so forth.

We grabbed what we could. The lady had a little girl, so we gathered some stuff of my daughter's and toys for the little boys. When my wife took the items over to her, the woman took one look at my wife, snatched the items from her hands and slammed the door in her face.

My wife told me and I was like fuck that bitch, but I felt sorry for her kids, so I didn't trip. Anyways, a few days later this lady and her kids vanish. No trace, she left everything that was given to her in the apartment and on top of that she left a thick, sticky film coated all over everything. The walls, ceiling, floors, cabinets, furntiure, toys...EVERYTHING.

This bitch was like a pod person or something and sprayed her inhuman mucus all over every sqaure inch of that place.

That wasn't even the worst part. Being that we were in a dirty ass apartment with dirty ass people in a dirty ass neighborhood, I was surprised that this building didn't have a bug problem. No roaches at all, but the night they opened up her doors and found the sticky goo, is the night I fled my own home in fear.

Around 10:00pm that evening, I saw a single roach crawl across my coffee table. First instinct was to kill it, and I did. Then my wife pointed out another; killed it. Again and again. I started to get a little unerved because this wasn't ordinary. I turned on the living room light to see where they were coming from. From undernethe my front door, roaches were pouring and spreading up the walls. It looked lie something from the Amityville Horror. This shit was surreal. My cream-colored walls had turned black and were moving.

I tried to kill what I could, there were just too many. My wife went to check on my daughter. The bugs had begun climbing on her bed and blankets. They were swarming on us like we were prey. They began to drop off the ceiling.

My wife said there was no way in hell she was staying, especiallyy with our kid there. We grabbed a few things and fled. As we were leaving, we saw the source. The homless lady's apartment doors were wide open and migrating from her place to ours.

We moved out after that, but thanks to an ungrateful mucus-spewing roach lady we improved our situation 100-fold.

They never found out what happened to her, and they never got rid of the bugs in that building.
Jun 3, 2006
fuck the homeless...bet they wasnt born homeless,they did sumthin to get that way...but if they aint tryin to run game on me and flatout say "i want a beer" ill usally hook they stank ass up wit a tall one
Dec 9, 2005
I have respect for some of the homeless guys in SF...the ones that try to sell you metered parking spots...the ones that sell those newspapers for a buck...the ones who live near Candlestick and offer to sell you their driveway to park at before Niner games...

The ones who aren't just sitting on their asses begging. Its funny too, because homeless people can be some of the most demanding, rude people...sometimes I feel like reminding them where they will be resting their heads that night.

I remember I had gotten a full plate of steak and potatoes, some good ass shit...and if anyone who's been to SF knows the spot on South Van Ness where the bums will walk through traffic in between cars and beg...I gave a bum the whole untouched plate of food...thinking he was going to scarf the shit down the second I handed it to him...

This fool puts it on the floor, and continues to walk through and beg for money. I seriously felt like kicking the shit out of him for being so dumb...
May 4, 2002
damn yall some cold mother fuckers. i hope no one in your family ends up homeless and gets treated like shit.
if i hit up wendys on sr ave theres always bums chillin, ill hook em up with a few burgers and shit if i have extra money. at jack in the carck by codding town there was a bum chillin, it was cold as fuck and kids in the cars ahead of me were talkin shit to the bum throwin fries at him and shit. i hooked the dude up with a meal and hot coffe.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
I'll let a bum have the roach, but they ain't hitting nothing that I can still smoke.....I hate when dirty ass kids ask you hella times for money, I walked up to walgreens and this kid's maybe 18 or something....dirty, but got some recent sneakers.....dood asks me for spare change as I walk up to walgreens and I tell him I'm broke "maybe on the way out" no, I'm paying with credit card....I walk in, realize I left something in my car, turn around and walk back.....he asks for money again....again I say no.....I get to my car, then go back inside and he asks me AGAIN.....I'm like "I didn't have shit the first 2 times, what makes you think I'mma have shit now?" I go in and get my shit and as I'm walking out he starts to ask me again.....damn, get off the rocks homey


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
there's certain bums that be regulars tho....they're always at the same spot doing their shit.....if I got $ to spare I'll hook them up, but 90% of the time I don't give bums shit.....there's this guy in berkeley called "Mr. Dr. Jokeman" lol....he would always be outside of fat slice pizza with a sign that says "jokes for free" with the R on free crossed out....if I didn't have money I'd hook him up with cigs.....if I didn't have shit, he would still tell some funny ass joke anyways......I be seeing that muthafucka everywhere tho.....I just seen him in the pac n save by my house not too long ago....lol
May 24, 2002
Filthy_Rich said:
lmao @ nob0die's story. That muthafucka was ear hustlin.

and Nightbreed. That story gave me the fuckin creeps. well told though.

I live in Oakland so, like Frisco, it's daily beggin from bums. plus i work in the ER at a hospital so I'm around them constantly. A couple times I got hit up 3 times in the same day by the same fuckin bum. He caught me at 7-11 when I stopped in before work. Then he saw me while I was at work in the parking lot. Then I ran into dude again while walking my dog that night. There are hella regular bums that just walk up and down E.14th all day.

One time I encountered a bum in front of a Starbucks. I didn't have any cash on me. All i had was a starbucks gift card. It was cold as fuck out there so I told him that I could buy him a coffee and a pastry or somethin. I felt bad for dude sittin in the cold like that. He said that'd be great. So I got him a coffee and a blueberry muffin. i gave it to dude and as I was gettin in the car he was like, "Thanks for the cream and sugar asshole." shit was too funny for me to get mad at so i jsut left.
lmao , yea i couldnt get mad at that either. too funny to be heated
Nov 5, 2004
I was in Frisco after a club a few months ago. We were eating at the Denny's near the metreon. There was a bum that asked some girl for some money. She just walked on by, and the bum said "i don't need your money anyway", then pulled out like $300 in a gangsta roll. Then he told me that his mama told him when he was a kid to never go to bed without at least a hundred dollars in his pocket. He was a cool bum, and the only bum i ever gave dap to in my life.

True fucking story.
Nov 14, 2002
SnoopyBlue said:
I heard some homeless get arrested just to have a place to sleep.
If i was homeless ill throw bricks through a store window and wait for the police to come get me.fuck being hungry,dusty,bad breath and muddy lookin.jail will give you a shower,food and a place to get some sleep.get out and try to get my shit together and if i cant find a job,throw another brick through a window.